Is possible to limit TXPower?

Please, I have a doubt about LMIC.

I’m using mode ABP with channels 9 to16 for US915_125kHz and when I print the value of variable “lmic.txpow” every time is 30. I guess that is because this code:

static void updateTx (ostime_t txbeg) {
u1_t chnl = LMIC.txChnl;
if( chnl < 64 ) {
LMIC.freq = US915_125kHz_UPFBASE + chnl*US915_125kHz_UPFSTEP;
LMIC.txpow = 30;

This is correct?

I need to limit Txpower because I need to measure the rssi for to compare with simulations results.

The gateway is Multtech mlinux and device is dragino Lora/GPS + arduino UNO.

Someone can you help me?
