LG01-P Dragino with Heltec Esp32

I am having a communication intermittency problem.
I have a node with Heltec Esp32 Lora 915MHz, Gateway: Dragino LG01-P and the TTN.

It works well, but often they randomly stop and no longer communicate until the Dragino is restarted. Sometimes not even with restart with you. I thought about putting a function to store the data in Heltec and send it after reconnection so as not to lose the information.

I realized that on hotter days the falls are constant. Even at almost the same time of day: from 1 pm to 6 pm.

Does anyone face similar problems? Any indication of Gateway to replace the LG01-P? Any solution?

I’m sorry, that is a single-channel forwarder and not a proper LoRaWAN gateway. You should not use that on TTN as it may affect other users, so please disconnect it. And questions about that are off topic here.

Thank you, thank you for the answer. I noticed that, not even a good gateway, but I wanted to find a suitable gateway, so I used it, I wanted to understand what the problem was in order to make a good purchase. Sorry