LilyGO TTGO T-Motion - no serial output / no ttn packets

Ok i have sorted everything out with this tutorial and program was successful burned on the board , but once again no data are send to TTN

please see tutorial

This was send from to me today from the technicians in the factory , will try again tomorrow to fix the problem!!!

Ok how can i contact you ?

I took a brief look at above LilyGO repository.

Some quick analysis:

The docs are a mix of information related to both gateways and TTGO dev boards.

In the libdeps folder are several open source Arduino libraries of which some appear modified. These copies are from some moment in time and are probably not up to date with the latest versions.

The name libdeps reminds to PlatformIO but the information is related to the Arduino IDE (image partially in Chinese only unfortunately).

Included is a copy of the Arduino-LMIC LoRaWAN library. This looks like a (modified?) copy of an old deprecated version of LMIC (‘Classic LMIC’).

LilyGO’s LoRaWAN example is in folder examples\TTN_OTTA where the OTTA probably stands for OTAA.

Basis for the example was problably the standard ttn-otaa.ino included with the LMIC library which was then renamed and modified to support multiple TTGO boards.
The two source files loramac.h and loramac.cpp give an impression that the example may use Semtech’s LoRaMAC-node LoRaWAN library which it does not. It uses an old version of LMIC instead.

The example supports several TTGO ESP32 based boards as well as the STM32 based T-Motion board (each platform requires a different Arduino Core).

The most essential information in the TTN_OTTA example are the T-Motions’ pin definitions, redefining of SPI pins and remarks about the LMIC library and its pin mappings.

Armed with that information it should be possible to use the T-Motion with a recent version of the MCCI LMIC library (preferred).

It should also be possible to add support for the T-Motion board to LMIC-node, but I lack a T-Motion board for the testing.

Be aware that the included LMIC library is a copy of the now deprecated Classic LMIC and not the preferred MCCI LMIC. Only latter supports the LoRaWAN MAC commands required by TTS CE V3.