Lora end device choice

hello everyone
I have a project about building a lorawan network, I have asked to use sensecap loarawan gateway, my question is about the choice of lora module for end device
is it ok to use dragino lora shiled(RFM95(W)) +arduino?

Probably not, code to support modern versions of TTN won’t really fit in an ATMega328p type Arduino.

Most viable Arduino approach solutions use the Adafruit feather M0 LoRa or similar.

See the many existing threads on this here.

thank you for the reply, but I could not find any useful answer to my question in existing threads,
I have another question regarding registering sensecap lorawan gateway in the things network,
Is it possible to do this?
because sensecap introduces an specific portal but I want to know it it is possible to register sensecap gateway on TTN