LoRa FUOTA support on latest TTN server?

My end device uses a Multitech xDot LoRa modem and the Gateway is a Multitech Conduit. Multitech implements their own network server which runs on the gateway. When I want to initiate FUOTA I can simply select the desired file from the gateway’s menu and it will fragment it take care of all the associated tasks.

My question is this… Assuming I would like to use a different gateway that does not have a network server on it (like most). Could I use something like TTN network server and maintain this capability after configuring whatever network server I’ll be using + setting the gateway to do simply package forwarding?

As far as I understand, fragmentation, multicasting and the other involved mechanisms are defined by the LoRaWAN ‘standard’ (they must have a different name for it). Are these fully implemented? It seems to me that they are but I’m wondering if anyone actually had done this and have experiences to share?

As far as the xDot is involved, since it also implements the same mechanisms, API and whatnot according to the same LoRaWAN ‘standard’, it should be compatible with whatever network server I’ll decide to use, right?


FUOTA can quickly saturate the capacity of GW’s in a given instance, esp if multiple tenants on a network all try to do their own updates and without co-ordination. As such this is not compatible with the concept of a community network and is not supported on TTN, it woudl quickly exceed TTN FUP - 10 downlinks per day!

That said as you have found many private LNS allow for FUOTA as provisioned for under the L-A specification - note these are optional capabilities and not mandated as part of the ‘standard’.

I believe FUOTA is supported by TTI for various (Private) instances of TTS so may be worthwhile you opening a discussion with the core/sales team at TTi :wink:

