LoRa Stik Launch - USB LoRaWAN using RN2903/RN2483

Over the past two years I’ve been working with LoRa devices and designed LoRa Stik for my own needs. LoRa technology along with LoRa stick have made my life a lot simpler. I’ve made a lot of small improvements to LoRa Stik over recent months; It has been a valuable tool for me and I think it is finally time for me to share it with everyone.


Love the simplicity of this. Let me know if you need any further help from us.

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Received mine from crowdsupply the other day, and just getting into playing with serial commands. I was looking for any pre-existing java-type programmes to provide a GUI for it on MacOs or Linux, do you know of any/might you be working on one?

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If you download the Lora Development Suite from here https://www.microchip.com/DevelopmentTools/ProductDetails/DV164140-2 it should install a java app called “LoRa Dev Utility” it sounds like the type of thing you’re looking for. I should probably add a mention of it in the LoStik docs.

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That’s perfect. Up and running!

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Hi, I have the LoStick RN2483 and i have also have the Lora Dev Utility running on ubuntu but i cannot get it to find my device… any suggestions what might be going wrong?

Have you checked ‘dmesg’ output to see if the OS recognized a new USB device? And ‘lsusb’ to see if it is listed as connected?

Yes and i was able to run the python scripts in the example folders of the https://github.com/ronoth/LoStik … I’m actually trying to register the LoStick as a device in ttn

Then maybe you can provide some additional information on what you tried and what doesn’t work? Are there any error messages?

je voudrais utiliser le dongle USB CROWD-LOSTIK-940 avec un Raspberry py et le définir comme gateway sur TTN pour ensuite faire remonter des informations GPS du Tracker RAK7200 mais je ne trouve pas de tutoriel pour m’aider à le faire fonctionner correctement !? avez-vous une documentation avec toutes les étapes RPI, LOSTIK, RAK7200 et TTN SVP
merci pour votre aide

This is an English language only site, please use Google Translate if necessary.

But to answer your question, NO!

You can’t use the Lostick as a gateway, only peer to peer which is not what this forum discusses, we only talk about LoRaWAN on TTN.

As we are all volunteers, we don’t have time to create tutorials with some random combination of hardware - Google is your friend. If you have a specific question, feel free to ask it, but we can’t do “help me build stuff using this pile of kit”