LoRaWAN stack for nRF5x and SX1276

Why do you want to use a single SoC to Control two radios? Only lower BOM cost?
Our LoRaWAN module (STM32 cortex M3 + SX1272) consumes 1.6uA in sleep, and will wake-up on interrupts or alarm timer. Just combine your BLE SoC with an ultra-low power LoRa module and you have the Most reliable, low power solution.

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The RM186 module which is almost exactly what’s being proposed here (nRF51 running Semtech/Stackforce LoRaWAN stack + SX1276) does:

standby mode (automatic): 4.2uA
deep sleep (no RAM retention and requires reset but can wake from GPIO pin change): 750 nA

this is using smartBASIC (which I understand it’s not to everyone’s liking, but works fine for me)

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Because we can! :wink: Seriously, your module looks very nice. If it is below US$25 in small qty, and possible to program in C/C++, has LoRaWAN stack and supported by mbed then please, take my money :wink:

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semtech/stackforce LoRaWAN stack in C is supported. Why would you want to have mbed support? Can you add your own board/module to the mbed eco-system? Last time I checked I didn’t see how to add it…

Yes you can join mbed as a partner:

If you need more direct contacts please msg me.

What STM32 is there? Many are already supported by mbed.

Just wondering have you tried the Multitech xDot? Seems to meet all your criteria.



The 152 is supported in mbed, 151 is Almost the same. So, Technically it is possible, but someone has to do it.
Another option is using I-CUBE-LRWAN. They use the semtech/stackforce LoRaWAN stack.

Technically yes, but the price is over US$50.

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I don’t see open source access for the LoRaWAN stack on the mDot. Don’t know if People are interested in this, but having Control allowed us to build a Class C device that can switch to Class A when needed.

It’s actually just $16.30


and last quote I got from the local distributor
5 x MTXDOT-EU1-A00-1 868 MHz LoRa Module UFL/TRC £ 17.50ea

Let’s keep this thread nrf5x-specific and move other platforms suggestion to separate thread. Moderator may suggest existing thread if any.

I was trying to understand the motivation for using mbed instead of Nordic’s much more up-to-date GCC toolchain, especially when it’s looking like the components would be quite tied to the nrf51 platform.

Good point. Well, imho mbed is C++ platform, has nice BLE API. For moderate complexity applications greatly simplifies code. Having compared simple BLE app, access to peripheral interfaces (SPI, I2C, GPIO) is greatly simplified when you compared similar C code from SDK.

Now, this is a very interesting initiative! We have many in-house boards with NRF51/52 conencted to RFM95 - @petekmet if you are interested we can supply a board to you if you can use the puse Nordic SDK and not the mBED UI for this development (maco@blava.net) - do you already have any code avail?

Would it be possible to use LoRaMac? Or do you need lighter weight than that?

Did you look at the Adafruit Lora Feather? Nice and small, full LoraWAN stack available, has reasonably low sleep current but you can tweek the hardware a bit to get even lower.
I have both the M0 and the 32U4 versions working with the Dutch Lora network, and I quite like this platform for simple applications.

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Interesting, I have ordered a 32U4 and will give it a try

But from what I understood the feather does not ha a native LoraWAN stack so you will have to implement it in software

What software did you use, original LMIC 1.5 or version from matthijskooijman?


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I think we used the Matthijs Kooijman version with a slight modification: a few seconds delay in the startup routine because there was an initialisation problem on the Lora module.

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Note that in Mbed OS 5.8 we will add a native LoRaWAN stack which will work with both SX1272 and SX1276 radios. Thread-safe, will work with any Mbed board, and EU pre-certified. Thus will also work with nRF5x boards, and should play nicely along with Bluetooth (although that poses some challenges on how to properly do deep sleep with both radios, but OK).

Demonstration application is here: mbed-os-example-lora.

Feature branch for Mbed OS is here and will be mainlined in the next major release.