MAP of TTN gateways

Hey mate, not so much evil but the distribution of gateways is different to the larger communities as in a minority hold the ownership of the gateways in AU, so it’s up to them to determine the fate of the lorawan infrastructure, hopefully they have the similar values of the TTN.

@Jeff-UK That list is a top 10 list, the percentage value is based on the top 10, I can increase the N to lower the percentage of each but then it’s just confusing to read, there’s a lot of people that wouldn’t be on that list that own above 5 even 10 gateways.

I’ve added another page of the gateway ownership.


Yep from the day the gateways were turned on to now, was the only count in the JSON data.

When I looked IIRC page 2 was a breakdown by upload msgs not # of GW’s…will look again when back at pc.

Right – my bad

Ah! 1.7% of the top 10…get it…but that will always be dominated by (Blank) which is similar to the long tail of smaller GW count owners (which as you say is not shown)…often users with just one or two leave as blank or anyone I guess setting the GW privacy settings to limit disclosure… :thinking:

Interesting, The same thing is likely to happen here in NZ, not becuase anyones evil, but simply becuase one group is going to fund a bunch of gateways very quickly.

:thinking: At what point do I stop deploying GW’s (apart from when the bank manager* shouts “oi no more!” :wink: ) as I might then be considered evil for deploying/controlling too many by some in the community?! :grimacing:

*AKA The Wife!

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Lol yep, bank managers who’d live with em. Don’t get me wrong, its great that you’ve got a bunch of gateways, I just hope others with bunches of gateways keep them open for the community that’s all.


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