Message Integrity Code (MIC) doubt

Hi to everyone have a great day!
can you help me to solve a doubt with this two images, please?:
¿The Message Integrity Code (MIC) its the encryptation of AppKey and is send with the message that contains the DevEUI, AppEUI (and DevNonce) like in the first picture or the Message Integrity Code (MIC) its the encryptation of AppKey, DevEUI, AppEUI and DevNonce like i understand in the second image (I do not know what is MHDR) ?
Thanks for your attention!

It would probably be worthwhile to spend some time reading the LoRaWAN specification.

That said, you don’t need to dig into the details of this unless you are writing or debugging the actual code that implements LoRaWAN on the node end (or in a non-TTN context, the server end)

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