Migrating payload formatter

I am attempting to convert my v2 payload formatter to v3 without any success. One point at the moment is retrieving the fport.

My v2 payload formatter commenced:

function Decoder(bytes, fport) {
  var decoded = {};
  if (fport === 6) {

Following documentation at *1 and a Decode Uplink Example from *2 I have converted this to a v3 payload formatter commencing:

function decodeUplink(input) {
  var bytes = input.bytes;
  var decoded = {};
  var fport = input.fPort;
  if (fport === 6) {

This is not functioning (my webHooks endpoint receives an empty decoded payload). So, I have tried using the device “Payload formatters” tab to test some payload formatters. There I have tried augmenting the default code below to include “input.fPort” like this:

function decodeUplink(input) {
  return {
    data: {
      bytes: input.bytes,
      fport: input.fPort
    warnings: [],
    errors: []

Pasting in an actual payload from one of my devices of “AQMBJAhyACUBAAA=” this resturns an fport value of 1:

  "bytes": [
  "fport": 1

yet when I look at the JSON “Event details” in the console “Live data” for the device it clearly states f_port is 6, and 6 correlates to what I would expect:

    "uplink_message": {
      "session_key_id": "XXXX",
      "f_port": 6,
      "f_cnt": 293,
      "frm_payload": "AQMBJAh8AB8AAAA=",
      "decoded_payload": {

I suspected that given the JSON refers to it as “f_port” perhaps I should be using “Input.f_port” but that is not fruitful.

Can anyone shed light on this please.


*1: Migrating End Devices from V2 | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN
*2: Javascript | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN

As I can’t get in to payload formatters on TTN but I can on my TTI instance & my open source one, you code appears OK but I think the TTS CE servers are having an issue.

I have realised the fport is a separate input on the end device “Payload formatters” tab and not part of the payload. I’m sure that’s obvious to someone who has a deeper understanding of these machanisms than I. So, changing the input from 1 to 6 reflected that change in the test result.

Unfortunately while the fport is corresponding my payload formatter remains unusuable in TTN v3. The payload appears to be different on v3 vs v2 for the same device. This has me defeated so will look for other avenues. It would help if I could debug on TTN v2 by printing verbose informaiton in to the decoded payload but unfortunately it’s payload formatter is readonly.

You mean the entry box for port?

Without any actual detail we’re not going to be able to help. Is the payload formatter secret?

I debug my payload formatters by embedding them in the web page with a dummy call and then I can use the browsers debugger …


No, it is not secret - just large, so didn’t want to dump a whole file in a post. I realised I can link to the original github I got it from 2 years ago:

I had modified the copy I took somewhat since but essentially if I could get the above working in TTSv3 I’d probably be OK or at least be able to get there.

I have been trying to debug it in the device “Payload formatters” page and that’s just proving difficult.


You mean like this:

 * Example decoder for some Netvox sensors with The Things Network, Chirpstack and node.js CLI
 * Paul Hayes - paul@alliot.co.uk

function Decoder(bytes, fport) {
	var decoded = {};
	if (fport === 6) { // then its ReportDataCmd
		if (bytes[2] === 0x00) { // version report
			decoded.devicetype = "ALL";
			decoded.softwareversion = bytes[3];
			decoded.hardwareversion = bytes[4];
			decoded.datecode = bcdtonumber(bytes.slice(5, 9));
			return decoded;
		if ((bytes[1] === 0x01) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 01 (R711/712) and report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R711";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.temperature = ((bytes[4] << 24 >> 16) + bytes[5]) / 100;
			decoded.humidity = ((bytes[6] << 8) + bytes[7]) / 100;
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x02) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 02 (R311A), report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R311A";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.contact = bytes[4];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x06) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 06 (R311W)
			decoded.devicetype = "R311W";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.leakone = bytes[4];
			decoded.leaktwo = bytes[5];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x13) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 13 (R718AB)
			decoded.devicetype = "R718AB";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.temperature = ((bytes[4] << 24 >> 16) + bytes[5]) / 100;
			decoded.humidity = ((bytes[6] << 8) + bytes[7]) / 100;
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x16) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 13 (R718CK2)
			decoded.devicetype = "R718CK2";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.temperature1 = ((bytes[4] << 24 >> 16) + bytes[5]) / 10;
			decoded.temperature2 = ((bytes[6] << 24 >> 16) + bytes[7]) / 10;
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x0E) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 0E (R809A) and report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R809A-1";
			decoded.state = bytes[3];
			decoded.kwhused = ((bytes[4] << 24) + (bytes[5] << 16) + (bytes[6] << 8) + bytes[7]) / 1000;
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x0E) && (bytes[2] === 0x02)) { // device type 0E (R809A), report type 02
			decoded.devicetype = "R809A-2";
			decoded.volts = ((bytes[3] << 8) + bytes[4]);
			decoded.amps = ((bytes[5] << 8) + bytes[6]) / 1000;
			decoded.watts = ((bytes[7] << 8) + bytes[8]);
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x03) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 0E (RB11E), report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "RB11E";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.temperature = ((bytes[4] << 24 >> 16) + bytes[5]) / 100;
			decoded.illuminance = ((bytes[6] << 8) + bytes[7]);
			decoded.occupied = bytes[8];
		} else if (((bytes[1] === 0x05) || (bytes[1] === 0x09)) && (bytes[2] === 0x07)) {  // device R72615A, CO2 report type
			decoded.devicetype = "R72615A-1";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			if ((bytes[4] != 0xff) || (bytes[5] != 0xff)) { // sometimes see ffff as co2 data?!?
				decoded.co2 = ((bytes[4] << 8) + bytes[5]) / 10;
			// the rest of the message is 0xff for other sensor types
		} else if (((bytes[1] === 0x05) || (bytes[1] === 0x09)) && (bytes[2] === 0x0C)) { // device R72615A, temp & humidity report
			decoded.devicetype = "R72615A-2";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.temperature = ((bytes[4] << 24 >> 16) + bytes[5]) / 100;
			decoded.humidity = ((bytes[6] << 8) + bytes[7]) / 100;
			// the rest of the message is 0xff for other sensor types
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x1B) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device R718DB and report 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R718DB";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.vibration = bytes[4];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x49) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 49 (R718N1) and report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R718N1";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.currentma = ((bytes[4] << 8) + bytes[5]);
			decoded.multiplier = bytes[6];
			decoded.realcurrentma = decoded.currentma * decoded.multiplier;
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x4A) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 4A (R718N3) and report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R718N3-1";
			// full data is split over two separate uplink messages
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.currentma1 = ((bytes[4] << 8) + bytes[5]);
			decoded.currentma2 = ((bytes[6] << 8) + bytes[7]);
			decoded.currentma3 = ((bytes[8] << 8) + bytes[9]);
			decoded.multiplier1 = bytes[10];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x4A) && (bytes[2] === 0x02)) { // device type 4A (R718N3) and report type 02
			decoded.devicetype = "R718N3-2";
			// full data is split over two separate uplink messages
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.multiplier2 = bytes[4];
			decoded.multiplier3 = bytes[5];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x1C) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 1C (R718E) and report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R718E-1";
			// full data is split over two separate uplink messages
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.accelerationx = bytestofloat16((bytes[5] << 8) + bytes[4]);
			decoded.accelerationy = bytestofloat16((bytes[7] << 8) + bytes[6]);
			decoded.accelerationz = bytestofloat16((bytes[9] << 8) + bytes[8]);
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x1C) && (bytes[2] === 0x02)) { // device type 1C (R718E) and report type 02
			decoded.devicetype = "R718E-2";
			// full data is split over two separate uplink messages
			decoded.velocityx = bytestofloat16((bytes[4] << 8) + bytes[3]);
			decoded.velocityy = bytestofloat16((bytes[6] << 8) + bytes[5]);
			decoded.velocityz = bytestofloat16((bytes[8] << 8) + bytes[7]);
			decoded.temperature = ((bytes[9] << 24 >> 16) + bytes[10]);
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x32) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 32 (R718WA), report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R718WA";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.waterleak = bytes[4];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x4D) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 4D (R312A), report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R312A";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.alarm = bytes[4];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x04) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 04 (R311G), report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R311G";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.illuminance = (bytes[4] << 8) | bytes[5];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x1D) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 1D (R718F), report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R718F";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.contact = bytes[4];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x4F) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 4F (R311FA), report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R311FA";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.activity = bytes[4];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x12) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 12 (R718WB), report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R718WB";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.leak = bytes[4];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x9F) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 9F (R718VA/VB), report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R718VAVB";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.status = bytes[4];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x20) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 20 (R718IA), report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R718IA";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.adcrawvalue = (bytes[4] << 8) | bytes[5];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x41) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 41 (R718IA2), report type 01
			decoded.devicetype = "R718IA2";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.adcrawvalue1 = (bytes[4] << 8) | bytes[5];
			decoded.adcrawvalue2 = (bytes[6] << 8) | bytes[7];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x05) && (bytes[2] === 0x0A)) { // device type 05 (RA07 series), water level/soil moisture
			decoded.devicetype = "RA07";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			if (bytes[4] != 0xFF && bytes[5] != 0xFF) {
				decoded.soilvwc = (bytes[4] << 8) | bytes[5];
			if (bytes[6] != 0xFF && bytes[7] != 0xFF) {
				decoded.soiltemperature = (bytes[6] << 8) | bytes[7];
			if (bytes[8] != 0xFF && bytes[9] != 0xFF) {
				decoded.waterlevel = (bytes[8] << 8) | bytes[9];
			if (bytes[10] != 0xFF) {
				decoded.ec = bytes[10];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x05) && (bytes[2] === 0x08)) { // device type 05 (RA07 series), ph sensor
			decoded.devicetype = "RA0708";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			if (bytes[4] != 0xFF && bytes[5] != 0xFF) {
				decoded.ph = ((bytes[4] << 8) | bytes[5])/100;
			if (bytes[6] != 0xFF && bytes[7] != 0xFF) {
				decoded.temperature = ((bytes[6] << 8) | bytes[7])/100;
			if (bytes[8] != 0xFF && bytes[9] != 0xFF) {
				decoded.orp = (bytes[8] << 8) | bytes[9];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x05) && (bytes[2] === 0x09)) { // device type 05 (RA07 series), turbidity sensor
			decoded.devicetype = "RA0710";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			if (bytes[4] != 0xFF && bytes[5] != 0xFF) {
				decoded.ntu = ((bytes[4] << 8) | bytes[5])/10;
			if (bytes[6] != 0xFF && bytes[7] != 0xFF) {
				decoded.temperature = ((bytes[6] << 8) | bytes[7])/100;
			if (bytes[8] != 0xFF && bytes[9] != 0xFF) {
				decoded.soilhumidity = ((bytes[8] << 8) | bytes[9])/100;
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x5A) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 5A (R311WA/R313WA)
			decoded.devicetype = "R311WA";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.status1 = bytes[4];
			decoded.status2 = bytes[5];
	  	} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x22) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 22 (R718KA)
			decoded.devicetype = "R718KA";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.current = bytes[4];
			decoded.finecurrent = bytes[5];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x25) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 25 (R718LB)
			decoded.devicetype = "R718LB";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.status = bytes[4];
		} else if ((bytes[1] === 0x95) && (bytes[2] === 0x01)) { // device type 95 (R718B)
			decoded.devicetype = "R718B";
			decoded.battery = bytes[3] / 10;
			decoded.temperature = ((bytes[4] << 24 >> 16) + bytes[5]) / 10;
	} else if (fport === 7) { // then its a ConfigureCmd response
		if ((bytes[0] === 0x82) && (bytes[1] === 0x01)) { // R711 or R712
			decoded.mintime = ((bytes[2] << 8) + bytes[3]);
			decoded.maxtime = ((bytes[4] << 8) + bytes[5]);
			decoded.battchange = bytes[6] / 10;
			decoded.tempchange = ((bytes[7] << 8) + bytes[8]) / 100;
			decoded.humidchange = ((bytes[9] << 8) + bytes[10]) / 100;
		} else if ((bytes[0] === 0x81) && (bytes[1] === 0x01)) { // R711 or R712
			decoded.success = bytes[2];
	return decoded;

function bcdtonumber(bytes) {
	var num = 0;
	var m = 1;
	var i;
	for (i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
		num += (bytes[bytes.length - 1 - i] & 0x0F) * m;
		num += ((bytes[bytes.length - 1 - i] >> 4) & 0x0F) * m * 10;
		m *= 100;
	return num;

function bytestofloat16(bytes) {
    var sign = (bytes & 0x8000) ? -1 : 1;
    var exponent = ((bytes >> 7) & 0xFF) - 127;
    var significand = (bytes & ~(-1 << 7));

    if (exponent == 128) 
        return 0.0;

    if (exponent == -127) {
        if (significand == 0) return sign * 0.0;
        exponent = -126;
        significand /= (1 << 6);
    } else significand = (significand | (1 << 7)) / (1 << 7);

    return sign * significand * Math.pow(2, exponent);

// Chirpstack decoder wrapper
function Decode(fPort, bytes) {
	return Decoder(bytes, fPort);

// Direct node.js CLU wrapper (payload bytestring as argument)
try {
    console.log(Decoder(Buffer.from(process.argv[2], 'hex'), 6));
} catch(err) {}

try {
    var tempPayload = Decoder(Buffer.from(msg.payload.payload, 'hex'), msg.payload.fPort);
    msg.payload = [{
        measurement: tempPayload.devicetype,
        fields: tempPayload,
        tags: {"devEUI": msg.payload.endDevice.devEui}
    return msg;
} catch(err) {
    msg.payload = err;

Resulting in:

Screenshot 2021-11-03 at 14.51.40


You will need to remove the node.js bit at the bottom of the code

Thanks Nick.

Just for closure - this did solve my problem. I needed to copy & paste my v2 payload formatter exactly as you said, not modify it.


It may improve things if you covert the code to the new format - I’ve found the warning & error data structures useful.

But do it with a five line payload formatter before applying it to your larger one, so you can figure out the changes without having all that code to deal with.

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