Migration TTN Kickstarter gateway from V2 to V3: connected but no DATA

Hi all,

I tried to move my Kickstarter gateway from V2 to V3.

In the Things Industries website I found this URL. No succes.

In the forum I found several topis and this one works: YES

Important 2 issues:

  1. the gateway ID must be followed by @ttn . Not stated in instruction TTI
  2. the account server must be with https:// (for me https://eu1.cloud.thethings.network) not only a copy form the gateway server address in the TTN V3 console.

So far so good. The gateway is now connected.

However, no messages are received in the TTN console…

I see that the 5th blu led is flashing, saying data receiving/sensing, but not to the console

I looked into the forum and couldn’t find a topic with this issue.

Someone knows the solution?


after power down and power UP… the gateway is not connecting anymore to the TTN V3 console.

I didn’t change only paramaters like geo location sin the TTN console…


It’s back online since yesterday evening

To all,


Step 1 as described MUST be without @ttn and than the gateway works!
