mPCIe LoRaWAN Gateway Card

Coowl, this looks like a second ref design based transceiver, what did the complete WLRGFM-100 cost you? I couldn’t really find a price on the web.

Unfortunately this card is not mPCIe compatible. It uses a supply voltage of 5V, which is not in mPCIe spec. It just uses mPCIe/mSATA/M.2 formfactor. But is not useable in a standard mPCIe slot.

The last one is Miromico FMLR PCIE-GW-868 LBT

with listen before talk, so reference design 2

I am compiling a list of “mPCIe” cards with availability and compatibility:

I’ll try to keep it updated whenever a new card surfaces and will add experiences with them as soon as they are available.


betatesters -

1 Like LoRa gateway DataSheet_v1.2.pdf

would it fit in here

Does RAK833 support LBT?


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Does LBT is quite important now for Gateway? That need increase the cost of hardware. Any insight? look forward to get your valuable comments

Not important. It is only necessary for KR920-923 region for Korea

So that’s important in Korea then! :wink: Guess everything is relative :slight_smile:

5V card so not mPCIe compatible.

Hello, I want to inform anyone that ordering for our concentrator card in 4 variants:

I also want to point out that we will soon offer the following accessories:

  • Antennas
  • Antenna Pigtail
  • USB to Mini PCIe adapter
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Hi Cliff, would you mind updating your table that or the n-fuse card is now available in 868 Mhz and 915 Mhz variants?

sure, no problem :slight_smile:

Hi, are the n-fuse really already available as in they’re already in stock and ready to ship?

The website says “Available in Q3 2018.” which is a bit confusing. Also if they are ready maybe you should update the 3D render to an actual photo as it gives it more credibility. Thanks!

Sorry that is a leftover on the website, they are all in stock.

For the LRWCCx-MPCIE and an mPCIe to USB adapter, there is now a Windows Application called “PicoGW UI”. With this you can set up a Gateway (also TTN compatible) under Windows quickly. There is a ZIP file with the software and a user guide downloadable on the product page.