MQTT used to work fine, but stopped getting data

Hello, I’m experiencing the same problems. Since yesterday at 10.00 a.m. there is no more data coming through my node-red connection. On the TTN console and Applications I see the data coming in from my node. The TTN Status page is not accessible.

The wrong URL was given above; fixed now. Also, I added some details from Slack to @mvdswaluw’s post.

What happened when you restarted Node-RED?

Same issue here. No data via MQTT since yesterday… Could you please share the new format of uplink messages if this has changed ?

The changes have already been documented in the quotes from Slack above. (The format has not changed, but subscriptions to /up/<some single field name> are no longer getting data.)

How are you subscribing? Also, as per @kersing’s suggestion: did you try to restart whatever software you’re using to subscribe to the MQTT data?

Restarting Node-Red did not solve the problem.

And (as asked as well) how are you subscribing? What is the subscription string?

My solution:
mosquitto_sub -h -t ‘+/devices/+/#’ -u ‘draxxxxxxxxxxx’ -P ‘ttn-account-v2.lxVC4Xpxxxxxxxxxxxxx’ –v (without up)
and a lot of grep;cat and cut

@arjanvanb Thank you. I do not have an account to the Slackworkspace, is there any information what “temporarily” means? I’d need my field values back :wink: Is it planned to activate field values again or is there another way of getting them?

I restarted again (using openHAB MQTT client) - still no values by subscribing to:
<AppID>/devices/<DevID>/up/<single field>:state:default

The fields have been enabled again according to messages on slack.

Could you try with “-t ‘#’” and no grep/cat/cut just to check if data is arriving? I’ve got mosquitto_sub running using that topic for well over a year without problems (apart from some back-end downtime) and am currently receiving data.

In a Node-Red node, you don’t give a connection string. In a number of fields you give the Access Key, Device ID and the corresponding field. As with MQTT it doesn’t work if you fill in a field. An empty field gives you all the information you need. So for now the problem is clear… Must change my Node-Red.

What you need to specify depends on the Node-Red node you are using. Are you using an MQTT node or the TTN Node?

I’m using the TTN node. But with some adjustments in Node-Red the problem is solved.

Care to share those adjustments for other users who might run into the same problem?

I use Node-Red to send data from my end-node to Domoticz. In this case Temp, Humidity and Pressure. Previously TTN sent this data per field but now it spits all data at once. Previously I had to collect all the data that came in randomly and only then send it to Domoticz. Now I get the data in a fixed format and only need to convert it to the correct format for Domoticz. That’s all :slight_smile:

For Node-RED I just commented here: TTN uplink node Node-Red connected but not working

Is there a mailinglist where outages like this one are communicated? If not, there should be one…

You can use RSS to subscribe to

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Thank. you, I just rebooted my client again but still get no field values. Seems the syntax has changed then?

Edit: just found that fields are disabled for performance reasons… :frowning:

Same problem here. I used to be able to get temperature and humidity readings with (e.g.):
mosquitto_sub -h -p 1883 -u '[application name]' -P 'ttn-account-xxxxx' -t '[application name]]/devices/[device]/up/temperature'
Since a couple of days this stopped working. I still get the full message with all the metadata by subbing:
mosquitto_sub -h -p 1883 -u '[application name]' -P 'ttn-account-xxxxx' -t '[application name]]/devices/[device]/up'
but I really just care about the payload… do we know when the feature will return or if there is a workaround? It’s difficult in my setup to process the full message.