Murata ABZ internal connections


Can we find anywhere a document listing all pins used to connect the MCU to the SX1276 into the Murata ABZ module ?


You should contact @onehorse he has ported it to arduino, so I’d guess he’d know the internals.

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If you download the example files from the STM site you will find this info in the source code.
/* LORA I/O definition */

    #define RADIO_RESET_PORT                          GPIOC
    #define RADIO_RESET_PIN                           GPIO_PIN_0

    #define RADIO_MOSI_PORT                           GPIOA
    #define RADIO_MOSI_PIN                            GPIO_PIN_7

    #define RADIO_MISO_PORT                           GPIOA
    #define RADIO_MISO_PIN                            GPIO_PIN_6

    #define RADIO_SCLK_PORT                           GPIOB
    #define RADIO_SCLK_PIN                            GPIO_PIN_3

    #define RADIO_NSS_PORT                            GPIOA
    #define RADIO_NSS_PIN                             GPIO_PIN_15

    #define RADIO_DIO_0_PORT                          GPIOB
    #define RADIO_DIO_0_PIN                           GPIO_PIN_4

    #define RADIO_DIO_1_PORT                          GPIOB
    #define RADIO_DIO_1_PIN                           GPIO_PIN_1

    #define RADIO_DIO_2_PORT                          GPIOB
    #define RADIO_DIO_2_PIN                           GPIO_PIN_0

    #define RADIO_DIO_3_PORT                          GPIOC
    #define RADIO_DIO_3_PIN                           GPIO_PIN_13

    #ifdef RADIO_DIO_4 
    #define RADIO_DIO_4_PORT                          GPIOA
    #define RADIO_DIO_4_PIN                           GPIO_PIN_5

    #ifdef RADIO_DIO_5 
    #define RADIO_DIO_5_PORT                          GPIOA
    #define RADIO_DIO_5_PIN                           GPIO_PIN_4

    #define RADIO_TCXO_VCC_PORT                       GPIOA
    #define RADIO_TCXO_VCC_PIN                        GPIO_PIN_12

    #define RADIO_ANT_SWITCH_PORT_RX                  GPIOA //CRF1
    #define RADIO_ANT_SWITCH_PIN_RX                   GPIO_PIN_1

    #define RADIO_ANT_SWITCH_PORT_TX_BOOST            GPIOC //CRF3
    #define RADIO_ANT_SWITCH_PIN_TX_BOOST             GPIO_PIN_1

    #define RADIO_ANT_SWITCH_PORT_TX_RFO              GPIOC //CRF2
    #define RADIO_ANT_SWITCH_PIN_TX_RFO               GPIO_PIN_2

Thanks @ribbotson :slight_smile:
but it’s strange it’s not included in any Murata datasheet and to have to search in codes to get it !

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