My First LoRaWan Gateway

Keep in mind: ADR only works for stationary nodes. When a node is moving the network will not be able to calculate correct values for the node. Any value calculated by the network might result in the node transmitting at a spreading factor and power that is inappropriate for the next location (and will result in packet loss).

Thanks Marcelo, hope all is running very fine!

hello marcelo
i am name is david mbemba student at tut in south africa , am right now busy to do the implementation of lorawan in agriculture but am relly stuck abiut how to set up my gateway am using the seeeduino lorawan kit (…please i need help

I use this on several of my GW’s…select jac’s MP forwarder when building/installing as best option :wink: Charles & Jac make a formidable team when their solutions are combined :slight_smile: