New Cayenne LPP Data Types(Concentration and Energy)

I just found out there are two new data types for the Cayenne LPP payload if your sending data from TTN to myDevices. you can now send the Concentration and Energy payload and the Dashboard will handle it.

The below data types are not yet documented.

Concentration (ppm) - hex value 0x7D, 3 bytes unsigned
Energy (Wh) - hex value 0x83, 4 bytes unsigned

As you can see Energy and Concentration Data types can handle larger ranges than analog I/O which has a min/max -327.68 to 327.67. So, If you need larger ranges you can try Energy and Concentration data types.


see ’ expansion pack datatypes


I see there is an addColor type as well but I can’t find any info on how it is used.

I would hope it is uint8_t addColor(uint8_t channel, float red, float green, float blue); or somthing like this. Anyone know or has used this successfully?

I don’t think that extended type is being used in MyDevices. I am chatting with the developers at myDevices asking for their ‘plans’ to support the entire Extended Data Types in the myDevices library…

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