New Issue for RAK 2287- Failed to set SK 1250_0 in standby mode

I am using this LORA gateway, 2287 SPI, [(RAK Raspberry Pi 4 Kit for LoRaWAN – RAKwireless Store). I am following this tutorial: Quick Start Guide for Raspberry Pi and RAK LPWAN Concentrators | RAKwireless Documentation Center . I am getting an error that is preventing me to connect to the TNN server. Anyone have any suggestions. I used option 7, RAK 7248 no LTE (RAK 2287 SPI+Raspberry Pi), as my RAK version. The error is “Failed to set SX1250_0 in STANDBY_RC mode.” Thank you

Please do not delete the post; I have a new issue that I cannot find in the forum that is different from my previous issue. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

By continuing the discussion you started we get context, which helps the volunteers understand what has come before because it typically has bearing.

I see you have posted to the original topic - so this is double post.