No downlink (empty end device live data)

Hi everyone. I am a newbie on The Things Stack, but was able to use it for months without issues on my personal laptop and private network. I wanted to move the stack (already on V3) to a desktop, however, I cannot get any downlinks after testing on 2 different desktops. Also, two different gateways (Tektelic and ST) work on my first setup, and I am trying with the same node and gateways on the new setups, so the problem is definitely not related to the gateways or the node. In the terminal window I see:

INFO Finished unary call {"duration": 0.0017, "error": "error:pkg/redis:not_found (entity not found)", "error_correlation_id": "c6a2271b01414725b676b65534a7b8c6", "error_name": "not_found", "error_namespace": "pkg/redis", "grpc.method": "HandleUplink", "grpc.service": "ttn.lorawan.v3.GsNs", "grpc_code": "NotFound", "namespace": "grpc", "peer.address": "pipe", "request_id": "01FEYM0BNR1V9BF495W2Z33HND"}

I would appreciate any help to solve this error.

Edit: Same stack version, same Ubuntu version, same docker & docker-compose versions, same IPs on both working and not-working setups.

SOLVED: The problem was either APPEUI or APPKEY. I have renewed them and the problem was solved.

Not sure about that exact error message, but
If your nodes are OTAA you’re going to have to force them to re-register with the new network, or donehiw move the session details across.

Technically even in ABP there’s a downlink fcnt the node is supposed to tract, and it should ignore any downlink that’s lower than that, too.

Thank you for the response.

The node cannot even join (OTAA) due to no response received back from the gateway. Somehow there is a blockage either before or right after the application server response. If join worked, then counters would be reset too.

EDIT: The problem was either APPEUI or APPKEY. I have renewed them and the problem was solved.