Problem registering Dragino ldds75

I am having trouble registering a dragino ldds75 node to a rak7249 gateway. I deleted my first attempt at creating and application/device, and my second attempt is not registering with credentials from the devices sticker.
Have I locked myself out by deleting my first application - which I am sure did not register correctly either? Thanks

I’ve moved this to the End Devices - Dragino category.

You don’t register to a gateway, but to make sure we understand things, are you registering the device on TTN?

And if so, yes, deleting isn’t a good move, it’s better to edit.

What error messages come up when you say “not registering” on your second attempt?

yes TTN, but all good, I didn’t set my gateway up correctly. Problem sorted. Thanks

I am Having an issue registering my LDDS75 after deleting as well. It seems that I shouldn’t have deleted it but in the process of trying to solve the problem I deleted my account and made a new one. I was getting readings from the device, I only deleted it because I was having trouble configuring it with a third party service.

I have removed the numbers from the error message, I’m not sure if posting them is a security risk:
“an end device with JoinEUI … and DevEUI … is already registered as … in application …”
“code”: 6,

The error message continued on. Is there a way for TTN staff to delete it? If not, can I program new appEUI and DevEUI?


You can program the EUIs and addresses by using AT-commands. Have a look at the manual chapter 3. imho you need a seriell connection with 9600 Baud.

Thanks. Does anyone know of a program for Linux that can be used for AT-commands?

On Linux you may use :
screen command,
programs like Minicom, Putty, CuteCom, Moserial, Gtkterm…