RAK 7204 LoRa environmental sensor

I didn’t try to change default settings other than what was required for US 915 operation. I don’t know what the default setting is for ADR - didn’t try to change it.

I went to the location to check the battery - unplugged and reconnected and the unit began sending again. Battery is at 3.588 V. Send interval is 10 minutes.

RAK7204 Version:


Selected LoRaWAN 1.0.2 Region: US915

BME680 init success.

autosend_interval: 600s

Initialization OK,Current work_mode:LoRaWAN, join_mode:OTAA, Class: A

OTAA Join Start…

[LoRa]:Joined Successed!

Battery Voltage = 3.588 V

BME680 sensor data:

Humidity:22.414 %RH

Temperature:24.42 degree

Pressure:976.86 hPa

Gas_resistance: 6092 ohms

[LoRa]: send out

[LoRa]: Unconfirm data send OK

Go to Sleep.

“time”: “2020-12-10T20:37:00.100303669Z”,
“frequency”: 904.3,
“modulation”: “LORA”,
“data_rate”: “SF7BW125”,
“coding_rate”: “4/5”,

Now I have found the same problem with a RAK7204 RUI RAK7204_V3.0.0.12.H.T.
After abt. 50 days (4800 transmissions SF7/125kHz, 3 dBm) the RAK 7204 stops transmitting and starts draining the battery.
This behaviour is reproducible. It happened before but I didn’t recognize it until I analysed the battery voltage plotted with Cayenne over the last 9 month.

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hi @BoRRoZ
I chose the Port Number, and then open, but when i send AT command at+version, i do not receive firmware version number. i would be thankful if you could advise me what i miss. 0

Sadly @BoRRoZ is no longer visibly active on the forum.

Paging in Nick @descartes as I know he uses these. On the underlying boards - RAK5205 minus the GPS - depending on the firmware build with the serial tool open if you trigger a reset (button) the 1st data to come through will include the boards f/w version. Ironically the answer to your question may actually depend on the version you are running…which gets a bit circular.

Hi @mari,

Can you check in Windows Device Manager which ports you have on your machine so we can be sure you open the right one.

Also, you may need to install the driver for the USB-Serial chip.

This will tell you more:


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@descartes Thank you very much for your quick response. yes, i checked and opened the correct port as it is written in Windows Device Manager, and it is COM3.
but i donot receive firmware version by at+version command as shown in my previous pic or any other command response.

Have you installed the driver?


@descartes yes, but but i do not receive firmware version by at+version command or any other command’s response.

I am totally aware that you do not receive the firmware version, which is why I am posting replies, but first I was trying to eliminate the obvious problems.

But now we know you are connected to the correct COM port with the device driver installed, whilst you are in the serial tool, can you press the reset button on the board, which as @Jeff-UK suggests, should show the boot messages from the board.

One possibility is there may be an issue with USB cable, so worth trying a different one.

If the unit is in boot loader update mode, AT+RUN will put it back to normal mode.

One thing I found absolutely essential, is that the battery is still providing power.

I believe the USB port and main power supply of this device are more or less independent of each other. So with a dead battery the USB port will still enumerate, you can send data, etc, but you will not receive a reply back from the device since that is powered from the dead battery (not from USB).

So check the battery voltage, I think it should probably be > 3.0V.
What I did on my device, is order a CR123 battery holder, remove the battery, cut the leads at the battery and solder them to the CR123 battery holder. I now have a rechargeable CR123 in it. Watch battery polarity when putting it in!

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Good idea to put a CR123 in, because the RAK7204 drains the battery every few weeks.
I put 2 AAA into mine instead, it works but the voltage shown is 3.64V instead of 2.9V.

actually none of the commands work and I do not get any response entering commands (even at+run) as you see in the pic. i tried another USB cable, but still the same. should i try another BaudRate?

Did you try the reset button?

Can’t see any physical button on the board to reset the device ?

Should be on the front edge of the board, to the right of the jumper pins in red:


Also worth checking you don’t have the BOOT jumper on - as that will force it to wait for programming firmware.

it is the picture of my board. there is no button on the board.02-WhatsApp Image 2021-03-07 at 21.08.28

image The button is right there in the green circle.

Did you check the battery? With a dead battery, the device will still appear on USB, but you will not get a response if you send a command.

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thank @bertrik
I want to configure the sensor, and the manual paper says that the battery is a non-rechargable and must be unplugged before connecting the USB.
Do you think I should keep the battery connected?

No harm will come to the board or puppies or the space-time continuum if you unplug the battery and press that button. Not unplugging the battery means it will start being charged by the board - at worst it will explode and shower you in burning lithium at 2,000℃, normally it won’t get enough current to do anything that energetic.

Did you check if the BOOT0 jumper was on J12?