RAK831 config issue?

For info
Just got the RAK831 running with a R.Pi 3 B+ using these instructions
All was OK, but because I’m using the RAK831 adapter board (it has a GPS), I had to change the “start.sh” script.
I changed this line (near the beginning)

This was done using the R.Pi command
sudo nano /opt/ttn-gateway/bin/start.sh

Once you’ve made the change, press “Cntrl and O” to write out the file change and exit using “Cntrl and X” (need to reboot of course)

I’ve got a few of Charles’ boards to try - so I hope to try that soon. :slight_smile:

Yes, this was already mentioned in some places on the forum, e.g. https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/t/cannot-connect-to-rak831-australia-915-using-ttn-zurich-git/11433/6
Note that it is actually not the pin number but the GPIO port number (the name SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN is misleading here).

For a better Gateway software implementation (than ttn-zh/ic880a-gateway) check the following post:

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Reason for the post was to record more specific help e.g. how to edit the file and what board was being used at the time.

Thanks for the link - I can see that it is more geared to a R.Pi Zero using the board from Charles (I’ll try to use it next with the board from Charles) - but why is it better for a R,Pi 3B?

Not exactly:

Lora Gateway base setup for SX1301 based concentrators

This setup is used for some LoraWAN concentrators based on small computers such as Raspberry PI or others. For example it works fine with the RAK831 PI Zero shield


Because it provides a better and more secure implementation of the gateway software:
@kersing’s Multi Protocol (MP) Packet Forwarder.


FYI: Long ago, when I went to primary school, in the Netherlands Curly Wurly was named Three Musketeers. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ah right!
So far, I’ve tried to set up using this (which has the config “issue” - where you need to change from 25 to 17)

I guess I should try this next (time to get another memory card!)
The github ref is as follows

mp-pkt-fwd uses the new protocolbuffers-over-mqtt-over-tcp protocol for gateways, as defined by TTN and used by the TTN kickstarter gateway. Using this protcol the gateway is authenticated, which means it is registered under a specific user and can thus be trusted. Because it uses TCP, the chance of packet loss is much lower than with the previous protocol that used UDP. Protocolbuffers packs the data in a compact binary mode into packets, using much less space than the plaintext json that was previously used. It should therefore consume less bandwidth.

Why is that? (Unless you plan to manage your gateway with resin.io).

To keep things simple: https://github.com/ch2i/LoraGW-Setup
(The link from my previously mentioned post.)

Questions will be asked during setup (but this may not become directly clear from reading readme.md).
For your RAK831 Raspberry adapter board just skip the LED, (switch) monitoring and OLED display stuff when asked during setup.

@Charles added extra features to the setup procedure since I used it. Like questions to skip certain parts of the installation (relevant for specific boards/options only) so the setup can be used for more adapter boards. And there is now support for an OLED display.

(FYI @kersing’s MP Packet Forwarder repository contains the gateway software but not an installer.)

See Cannot connect to RAK831 (Australia 915, using TTN Zurich Git)

@bluejedi, you read my mind, it’s done now, I test it since yesterday, setup if done by 2 scripts (1 to preconfigure PI and reboot, the other for the setup) asking what board you use and what features you want to install check if RPI 3 or RPI Zero to install correct nodeJS version.
Check out new on the repo the new readme.md
All should go straightforward, let me know in case of bug or if it need some improvement

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OK - just to say I now have the gateway running using a R.Pi with Rak831 and the Rak831 board using

One difference is that I used 11 for GW_RESET_PIN

It is certainly less work to use method 1 , but with this method 2, I can certainly see the value of using Resin.io to remotely manage multiple TTN gateways (based on RAK831).
As I now have 2 memory cards - I can choose which software to use for the time being.
Its great to be able to use Resin for something and see the results (not used it before).

Will try version 3 soon (Charles version) - but I’m thinking of doing that another day now.
One thing though, Method 1 needs “legacy packet Forwader” ticked, but Method 2 (Kersing) does not i.e. Method 2 uses the more “accepted” TTN version (for want of the proper term).

For Method 3 (Charles version), it seems that “legacy packet forwarder” should be ticked - is this correct?

Yes, these differences and inconsistencies are very confusing (I also ran into this issue previously).
Here GW_RESET_PIN actually refers to the PIN number (just like te name indicates, which is correct) and not the GPIO number.


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New setup use new kersing MP packet forwarder, but I had issues with some devices what were unable to join with the mp packet forwarder. When I reverted to old packet forwarder issues were gone, this is strange because it’s not the 1st time I see this issue. May be due to device without GPS and time sync drift.

Anyway if you want to switch from mp to legacy forwarder (my version with extended log), just run the script from my repo


The Reset Pin is asked by the main setup script and it’s the BCM format (GPIO Name)


To prevent (more) possible confusion:
Which is the GPIO number, not the GPIO name (because that would be something like “GPIO17”). :wink:


  • CH2i RAK831 reset pin is GPIO25 (Pin 22) enter in setup script 25
  • CH2i iC880a reset pin is GPIO17 (Pin 11) enter in setup script 17


but if you chose the correct board, setup does this for you


  • RAK Raspberry Pi Adapter board for RAK831 uses GPIO17 (physical pin 11): GPIO number: 17

What does selecting?:

  1. All other models

Added :wink:

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This mean you’ll need to enter the reset pin manually in the setup (and may be manually adjust some config)

Hi Charles,
I’m will soon be trying your software with a R.Pi3 (B+) and RAK831 board - which option would this be? (or have you done this already :slight_smile: )
Thanks for doing this BTW

There have been issues a number of times with delays in the packet processing for the TTN protocol in the back-end. I’ve seen delays of several minutes, at those times any response (OTAA and downlink) will be useless as the node will not be listening…

It’s a new option (not on the screenshot) RAK831 official shield (if you’re using the RAK831 PI Adapter plate) of course