Re-register an already registered TTIG

I am having an issue that is similar to this discussion. I’m tyring to use “The Things Indoor Gateway”, when I try to register the device I get the error “gateway with EUI already exists”. The device is from my university, and someone has already used this device for a previous project. On the setup page:[The Things Indoor Gateway | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN], it says that the device must be authorized to be re-registered using the gateway-id, within the CLI. But I do not know the gateway ID, and I think I need to be logged into the original users account to use the command.

My question is, is there anyway I can still use “The Things Indoor Gateway”, without getting access to the previous users account?

Only barely similar! Devices are not gateways - so moving this to a new topic

You don’t register a TTIG, the docs talk about claiming - are you checking the docs?

In the first instance you need to try to reach the previous user to ask them to issue a claim code.

Or you can ask very nicely in Slack for a member of staff to do this for you for free.

Or just plug it in and use it - you won’t be able to see the console but it should still do the gateway thing.

A possible way would be to generate your own EUI. You could do this based on your MAC address. Here is a general overview of how it works:

  1. Split the MAC address into two halves: A MAC address consists of 48 bits and is divided into two halves.
  2. Insert FFFE: Insert the hexadecimal values FFFE in the middle of the address to expand it to 64 bits.
  3. Change the Universal/Local bit: Change the seventh bit (Universal/Local bit) of the MAC address to convert the address from local to global or vice versa.
    Here is an example:
    MAC address: 00-14-22-01-23-45
    Split and insert FFFE: 00-14-22-FF-FE-01-23-45
    Change the Universal/Local bit: Change the seventh bit of the first octet. In this case, 00 changes to 02.
    Result: 02-14-22-FF-FE-01-23-45

There is absolutely no need to generate an EUI for the TTIG - it comes with one and you can’t change it.

And there is a generator for EUI’s revealed by forum search to be found at Random EUI or Key generator | descartes