Registering Multiple devices with TTN

Say one had 100 new end devices to register with TTN, is the only way to individually extract the Device EUI and enter the information for each node or is there a “bulk” mechanism? If we end up with a large deployment the I can see this process being particularly tedious and possibly error prone.

You might want to spend a little time searching the forum as this question has been answered multiple times.

The answer is: ttnctl.

Sorry, but i had searched, but obviously my search criteria was pulling the results I needed. Thanks for the hint looks promising.

Also just a heads up if registering and then joining a bulk qty of nodes all at same time try to avoid or have them stagger join requests, e.g. by randomly seeding a join request delay time as that may lead to responding gateway duty cycle saturation or request messages being missed as gw has to transmit join accepts to other nodes during which time it is essentially deaf causing cascading repeat requests/acts etc. (Search forum & you will find refs to issues and potential mitigation strategies :wink: )

I have seen comments to that effect, but thanks for the reminder.
I have used the ttnctl to help register a device but have not been able to achieve what i would wish to. I have still found it necessary alter the source code of the MKRWAN1300 to have contain the App Key from the registering of the new device. Is there away that this can be avoided, as it is not an appealing prospect to build unique software for device we wish to deploy? Doing this for small numbers of units is not a problem, but will be going forward.
If someone knows better please point me in the right direction ttnctl is a start, but i don’t see it as a full solution.

Each node requires a unique ID that should be world wide unique.

This can be done in several ways two options are:

  • have TTN generate the unique ID and build unique firmware for each device.
  • buy chips with unique ids and incorporate those in your design.

A better option is to use microchip chips to solve this issue as found here
Check the TTN YouTube channel to find information on how to use them.

I just watched this on YouTube about the ATECC608A secure element,

I have a question…

What’s to stop someone scoping the SPI or I2C lines between the secure element and the MCU?


But what do you expect to learn by doing that?

Hi Jac

Thanks for your quick reply.

Don’t the keys need to be read off the ATECC608A? I have probably misunderstood how they work.

Ah, I understand your confusion. No, the keys stay in the device, the data is sent to the device which encrypts/signs the data. So the keys are never exposed.