Respond to a community's blog post

How can one respond to a community’s blog post? I only see ‘edit’, no option to ‘reply’?

Assuming that you mean ‘how to respond to a post on the forum’ (the forum is not a blog):

Scroll down to the bottom of te topic (aka thread) and you will see a blue reply button (with left-arrow).

This button will add a new post to the topic.

If you want to reply to a specific post, use the left-arrow shown at the bottom right of that post.

It’s about responding to blog posts on community pages, such as

(Regular visitors won’t see “edit” either.)


Correct Arjan. It is a question asked on a community page. Would be nice if there was an opportunity to reply.

This is Oscar Medina; I am new to this Forum.
I have search through out TTN and I have not found the way to post a new topic.
Could I get a pointer on how to post a new topic under a given category?


New users can not post a new topic before they spend some time on the forum reading. That is a security measure against spam. So read some more…

Thanks for the follow-up.
How long before I am able to post a topic?

Spend some time reading messages on the forum. 20 minutes is not going to cut it…