RN2483 Firmware mod

Good afternoon. First of all, I would like to thank you for being part of this community, which I believe very much in its growth.
I am from Brazil and I develop some solutions with radio sx1276 for agriculture.
I’ve been looking for a solution for 5 days. Currently I use the E32-TTL-1W radio in 434mhz of the cdebyte in the base (gateway) and in the rover (endnode). The radios in cdebyte work transparently from UART to AIR.

I recently imported many APTINEX radio units (RN2483A) and by testing them I came across a different situation, it use a protocol in layer A. thus making it unprofitable with my software. I found a post talking about firmware modification with the MPLAB IDE.

Has anyone made any modifications to make the RN2483 transparent between your UART and AIR?

How would a ‘transparent’ UART to LoRa device be compatible with LoRaWAN ?

this and the question, in this network I do not use the LoRaWAN protocol.

these RN2483 modules only work with the LoRaWAN protocol. I would like it to be transparent.

This forum is really for the discussion of LoRaWAN …

That’s why I asked you here, because RN2483A is a LoRaWAN module, I just want to know if you can make it work transparently. only that!

Transparent mode can not be done with LoRaWAN. The knowledge on this forum is LoRaWAN so you are asking us something we have no experience with. Based in my knowledge of the RN2483A data sheets the firmware does not support what you want and needs to be replaced with you own firmware. Check the Microchip website on how to create your own firmware for the RN2483A modules.

Yes, I am already studying the creation of a clean firmware with the sx1276 library.

Thank you very much for your attention.