Send TTN data to a stand alone windows application (developing in VB.NET)

how can i read sensors data in my PC (though TTN) running a stand alone VB.NET application?

Usually one goes about receiving TTN data via one of the available integrations options. .

I myself use a webhook to a webserver that is running. I think the most popular option is the MQTT server.

The least liked solution is the MQTT server.

If you have the option, please use Webhooks, far less load on the servers and as we only get QOS level 0 on MQTT, same reliability - if not more as it’s harder to stuff up a web server.

Thank you for answering.
Not used with MQTT is there an API… some sample code? An example of receiving some sensor data e and read it as text, in a database ? Dont want to use third party.
@descartes, i saw your youtube video, feel confused… sorry. Just want to read data from TTN with app.

VB.Net is a programming language. You’ll still need some mechanism to connect the TTS servers and your computer - MQTT or Webhooks/HTTP.

I didnt know that! Thanks!

@descartes , yes VB.NET is a language, i am used to read serial port data, text files, databases…
What it should be good is to read the messages from TTS as they arrive.

Is there any example code?
Step by Step?

And for that you have to use a transport protocol which you said you didn’t want to do when you said:

You can’t “just read data from TTS” with VB.NET or indeed with ANY OTHER computer language. So you are going to have to move forward and use one of the integrations to do this.

All the docs related to getting data out of TTS have been linked in the message by @rikietje above.

You might want to consider that as I did the mini-conference on integrations and I did the Summer Academy on integrations and I’ve provided the only repro with any data receiving code for TTS thus far, that I may know a smidge about this topic. And whilst I can supervise but don’t normally code .NET, I can tell you that there is no connection mechanism available other than the integrations in in the docs.

So your best bet is to look at the docs and if you are behind a router or firewall, use MQTT and if you can run a web server on the public internet, use HTTP.

@descartes thank you for the quick answer.
Yes i know now that i can´t read directly from TTS. I have to see and study the links that you send before.
I am studiyng MQTT and for now i think i need a “BROKER” in the midle.
Of one side we have TTS on other side we l need MQTT that my APP in VB.NET can read.
Is that correct? I keep studiyng… Thank you. Soon will give some news and i’ll apreciate you opinion.

best regards

So for simple testing and development this can be as basic as a broker on your own laptop or even a raspberry pi inside your own network (remember the broker needs to keep running whenever you want to capture data - which might well be 24/7 - so most folk quickly move of on from their day pc to something more suited to being left on pemanently - such as the Pi - low power/low cost :wink: ) and therefore more secure than opening anything on your network to the wild internet, as required for Webhooks. Load is higher on TTS as stated so for big scale out go webhooks - on a cheap external virtual server? Follow what Nick is indicating…either way once out of the TTS envionment onto something you control and have easy access to you can look at the next steps of your App integration - using VB.NET if you must or desire…