Sent/Received Packets has reset to zero

In the V3 console, my gateway was showing the correct packet count, but this reset to 0/0 at some point over the last few days. I’ve not managed to pass any more traffic through it just yet to test if it increases again, but is this a known issue? It originally carried the packet count correctly through the migration from V2, so it’s odd for it just to reset.

IIRC reading somewhere or hearing a pitch from TTI Core member I believe where V2 backend kept track of GW counts (leading to some interesting bragging rights! :wink: ) sadly the distributed nature of the V3 backend and (I think) lack of a persistent NOC component means that GW counts are potentially ephemeral or held ‘per session’. As such I think you were lucky if count carried over from V2 to V3 during migration (personally am suprised at that) and a disconnect, or a back end session change or a GW power cycle - or possibly if just monitoring in an open Browser windown and if that ‘session’ restarted it may be that any of those may have triggered a reset. Its unfortunate as I was watching my own counts gradually ramping over the years and it helped give clues as to heaviliy used or under utilised GW’s (highlighting need for network densification or potential for redeployment of under valued community resourses).

No doubt someone who knows more will step in and clarifiy or confirm situation for V3 counts…

I couldn’t find the info when I looked just now but I do recall something about a “gateway reset” for v3 that does indeed lose “stuff” - I think it may have been in relation to duty cycle downlink stuff for that rogue node in Germany …