The Things Conference 2019 - READING UK

This is me, but my company is Thingitude. Matt (co-organiser) is Mockingbird.

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Hi Jac, all, just to set expectations for when his keynote video released this did not go into any specific details or issues and what might be fixed/not done next time but rather Wienke kept it at very high level/strategic view and overall perspective, highlighting a few generic problems often associated with any new technology introduction and the way plans change/develop and potential for transitions and disruption and more positively calling out a few of the more interesting/unusual use cases which in turn can act a trigger for other more broad use cases :slight_smile:

Though we forumites and day to day users are often caught on the the detailed snags and issues and find ourselves kicking and screaming and asking why & when, the reality of the Conference was that many attendees were none techy or were there in search of solutions for their particular needs and use-cases and many none TTN and even none LoRa/LoRaWAN so having a keynote drill into such matters would have been inappropriate so it was more appropriately pitched as a high level keynote. :+1:




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Its been a busy couple of weeks since the TTN-UK Conf in Reading so only just getting chance to post some additional photos from the event:

Another of @wienkegiezeman here dispensing some sage advice based on experience, some I would broadly echo from my own work with early stage companies and prior activities supporting VC type investments:

One of the good things about the TTIG being so small is that can easily be deployed in plain sight - here outside the Auditorium, servicing some local nodes & demoes, and used at the hotel at night :slight_smile:

Talking of hardware, the Dragino LPS8 microGW recently introduced to the market garnered a decent amount of interest & discussion thanks to @edwin1 shipping it to me in time for the show

Along with their latest LM502 SX126x based module - here shown on its dev/eval board

One of the interesting keynotes from local sponsors and hosts Reading Borough Council, working in collaboration with their Mid/West Berkshire cousins are agressively challenging the community and local companies to deliver and utilise their emerging LoRaWAN Network…ambitious coverage plans:

Also good to see last years hosts - Norwich/Norfolk County Council, with an update on their own perspectives and achievements since last year. Interestingly one money saving use case is optimising gritting runs in freezing weather…important when they judge each run costs ~£25k…

They also have big ambitions for coverage:

Leading to a bold claim :+1:

One of the longest travelled presenters, and one with little fear for icy roads was our good friend @TonySmith who travelled over to deliver a presentation of the needs and requirements drivers for remote GW management as well as looking at key requirements for such a manageable GW

He obviously believes in putting his money where his mouth is and showed his implementation of a novel form factor GW with remote management capability that is in development… I look forward to seeing this emerge as a commercial offering :wink:

…do you know where he came from yet?!

Good to seen ‘the guy with the Swiss accent’ on hand to discuss RF propagation issues and antenna designs,

Touching on some of the deeper/interesting dark arts of RF black magic…Fresnel Zone anyone?..

Of course such events arent all just about the key notes and major presentations. A lot of the real value is to be seen from the networking activities, meeting friends from the TTN Forum (some never seen F2F before) and of course in the side activities around the various workshops…some of which were 2-3 x over subscribed! :slight_smile: As I was volunteering I didnt get to see many but made time for a couple of particular interest.

Here is good friend to the TTN community @nicbkw presenting on the subject of NoSQL data storage and manipulation/presentation integrations - with stuff on MQTT, NodeJS, .js and other techniques in the cloud and supporting tools

You can find his materials here:


Again Tony stepped in to present a session on RF propogation, antenna design and tuning (hands on - very brave, but I got a couple fo good functional units out of the session :wink: ), Antenna 101 plus some one might say




Next year I will likely visit you in UK!

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We would likely you make you very welcome in that case…look me up and would even buy the 1st beer :slight_smile: . Let me or one of the core organisers know by PM if willing to do a presentation or run a workshop…more quality content always welcome :wink: