The Things Stack Community Edition is now The Things Stack Sandbox

Since the very early days of LoRaWAN, The Things Network Foundation is committed to simplifying LoRaWAN and providing easy access to The Things Network community.

The Things Industries supports The Things Network Foundation and The Things Network community by hosting three public community LoRaWAN Network clusters in Europe (eu1), North America (nam1) and Australia (au1).

These clusters are meant for non-commercial, small scale testing and experimentation and today these clusters get a new name that reflects this purpose.

The Things Stack Community Edition (TTSCE) clusters are now The Things Stack Sandbox (TTSS) clusters and they come with a cool new logo.

The Things Stack Sandbox will continue to be free for small scale testing and the Fair Usage Policy still applies.

For production, critical and/or large scale use cases, check out one of The Things Stack Cloud or The Things Stack Enterprise.


Can we persuade you to use packetbroker to keep contributing to the community?

Removal from the maps happens automatically once your gateways are offline for TTN for some time. No need to have them removed.

The point of PacketBroker is it provideds a peering arrangement for you hence avoiding the complications of trying to have one GW associating with 2 or more LNS (dont try!), benefit to you is you private traffic also get to use the public TTN GW’s and vice versa…

Thanks Jeff.
Am I right in thinking we would require a NetID to use packet broker?

Reluctant to answer given your propensity to go back and delete questions leaving the responders replies looking like ‘hanging chads’ or orhpans - after they have taken the trouble and time to respond: not very community friendly! Q&A usually left on the record for ref and for those with similar questions or issues in the future…

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