TheThingsNode can't seem to connect


I’m trying to connect a TheThingsNode to the network, but i’m not receiving any data in my console. I have tried to use OTAA and ABP. When using OTAA, i get access denied, so I tried ABP. Device is transmitting, but no data is received. I have checked keys and device addresses.

09:35:42.826 -> Sending: mac set deveui 0004A30B00204020
09:35:42.826 -> Sending: mac set adr off
09:35:42.826 -> Sending: mac set devaddr 260110F5
09:35:42.826 -> Sending: mac set nwkskey 525F422F506001D1A338352D475F7145
09:35:42.871 -> Sending: mac set appskey 99CBC84DF16044A593C4F97BD559599A

This gateway should be in range of Stellingmolenstraat:
TTN Flevoland - Almere - Almere Buiten

Any help is highly appreciated.

Today, i drove within 50m range of the antenna. Now data is transmitted and visible in the console. But 50m? Thats disappointing… according to ttnmapper I should have covarage from my house (within 1 km), is it the node? (Thethingsnode)