TrackerD no measurements appear at ttnmapper?

Hi, I’m a TTN freshman but managed to get my TrackerD GPS tracker up and pushing messages to TTN. Unfortunatly I don’t seem to push measurements to the ttnmapper, even if I doublechecked my setup twice:

  • Device transmits messages and last seen is a current datetime
  • Custom decoder added from the dragino Trackerd repo. Payload gets decoded as expected in the preview:
  "ALARM_status": "FALSE",
  "BatV": 3.344,
  "Bg": 0,
  "Date": 0,
  "Hum": 59.2,
  "LON": "ON",
  "Latitude": 54.07,
  "Location": "54.07,12.14",
  "Longitud": 12.14,
  "MD": 0,
  "Tem": 1.82,
  "Time": 0,
  "Transport": "STILL",
  "location_tago": {
    "latitude": 54.07,
    "longitude": 12.14

(location is manually trunced)

  • ttnmapper webhook added as the howto explains. The URL is correct, ID set, notihing special.

If I wait for transmissions that have valid position, nothing appears if I query the ttncoverage advanced maps for my device ID and daterange. Also tried different ID formating, but no nothing happens :frowning:

Any tips what might be wrong and preventing me from contributing measurements?

I had the same issue this morning

TTNmapper has some problems. Donations are welcome.

But I think you also need altitude and optional hdop, accuracy or sats.

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From the docs you link I quote:

A JSON object containing the keys “latitude”, “longitude”…

You JSON keys are different. Especially there is a missing e for longitude. But please also bring it in line to exactly what the mapper’s docs says, so lower case L.