TTIG 868 to sell


I have a a functional TTIG 868 to sell or bargain.
I expect to acquire an IC880A, a RAK2245, or any SX1301-board usable with a rPi.

Moderators will delete this message and redirect me if this is not the right place.

What country are you actually in would be useful - postage and borders can be prohibitive.

Indeed, and new sealed/boxed or used (previously registered to TTN? Successfully?), any reason for disposal?

Original req was RAK831 - rocking horse droppings! (Now 2245) Could do with a couple of 831 replacements myself :wink:

My guess France?!

Payment= ? Paypal? Western Union? … Bitcoin? HNT? :rofl:

Sorry for the lack of data.

It is a (barely) used unit, from france. It’s currently working on TTNv3.

The reason is that I need to connect to a private LoRaWan network.
With a computer/rPi, I can use the packet-multiplexer to be able to send/receive data from this network and TTN both from the same gateway.

I indeed mentioned RAK831 before updating to 2245 but both are SX-1301 boards no ?

Payment can be arranged privately.

13 posts were split to a new topic: Multi-homing gateways & devices

Thanks, it is sold.
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