TTIG connects to Wi-Fi but is always flashing green

No, I’m at home and have total control of the network.

I just tried explicit port forwarding for port 8887 and power cycled. So far I get the same result.

I believe it’s an outgoing connection. Do you have anything that can monitor traffic on your router?

Your ISP may have other ideas - forum search will reveal a whole range of issues related to internet providers blocking ports or whole ranges for no good reason. Which is why we suggest trying with a mobile phone.

Ok, so the interesting thing with the phone connection is that I see the following on the console:

But when I use my ISP, I see this:

Console stream errors are about the connection between your browser and the servers. If your end glitches, it notes that it’s dropped and then reconnects. This is fairly normal part of console life.

A gateway sends alive messages that are shown in the console so it’s clearly not connected yet as it is waiting for that first “hello”.

Did you try your TTIG via your phone? That is you use the WiFi on your phone on your TTIG.

Yes, I tried my phone. That was my first screen shot.

Your first screen shot is of the console which you say you are connecting via your phone. It does NOT show that your TTIG is connecting to the internet via your phone. And the second shows a common data feed status of connect / disconnect.

The test that we suggest (as per other similar situations on the forum) is that you change the WiFi connection on your TTIG to use your phone.

How your web browser connects to the internet is not of concern at this stage.

So please follow the instructions for setting up the TTIG WiFi.

Yep, that’s what I did. I used my phone for Wifi and configured the TTIG for that network. I was showing that, after doing so, I didn’t see any activity on the console. I will give the phone another try.

Ok, I tried connecting to my iPhone a couple more times but I still get the same results. I bought the TTIG because it said that setup was less than 5 minutes. I don’t know where to go from here. As you say, the problem is on my side but I don’t know where. Are there any diagnostics that I can run? While a flashing light is somewhat helpful, it seriously lacks in details and info to fix the problem. I really don’t like wasting time (yours, others, or mine) or money. This is now really frustrating. But I want to be clear that I do really appreciate the help you are giving me.

Hi folks, I noticed my personal TTIG is doing what is described in the topic of this thread. So I checked TTN status and saw everything is operational. Then came over to the forum and noticed this thread near the top of the list. When I unplug and replug my gateway, in the TTN console I see shortly after an “Update Gateway” type entry in the logs. My gateway DEVEUI is 58A0CBFFFE8002B8.

So then I deleted the Gateway from the TTN Consolle and reclaimed it, plugged it back in. No change. So then I did a hardware reset on the gateway (with the Reset button for 10 seconds) and reconfigured it to connect to my network. No change. Not sure what to do next? Rinse and repeat?

Your gateway were connected last “updatedAt”:“2023-03-21T14:03:51.366561Z”, not sure why you deleted it, I would not have done that. You can mess thing around doing that.

I would doe a rest and leave it for a while.

Still no change as of this post

@rladik: After you reset the gateway, what was the LED pattern? Was it just blinking green all the time?
Was there a brief period where it blinked red and then red-green and then green?

Yes, there was a brief period of blinking red then red-green. After that, always 1/4 second blinking green.

On the back panel of the gateway, there is an alphanumeric sequence that looks like (xx)TBMHxxx.
What is this value on your gateway?
This is not a secret value so you can type it here.

Do not upload picture of this area though since that contains the claiming secret (WiFi passcode).

It is TBMH100

My gateway still is not connecting to the LNS, getting 1/4s green blinking for a while followed by 1/4s red/green alternating blinking.

There are two of these. One is simply TBMH100 and the other one is TBMH100XXXXXX. I’m looking for the second one.

Ok, it is TBMH100915003097

Ok I just simulated a gateway connection for this gateway using the settings that the server would send down. And that works.
I don’t see any connection requests from your gateway on the server.
I’ve checked all that I can from the server. This could be a rare hardware issue. I recommend then reaching out to the seller.