TTIG V3 (Node not receiving Downlink)

Hello, I am using stm32l073 + I nucleo lrwan shield + arduinoIDE (I am using the stm32duino and lorawan library) to create an end node. I am using TTIG (The Things Indoor Gateway) as a gateway.
I am using V3 and OTAA.
I’ll upload some screenshots so you can understand the issue.
As you can see in the 1st and 2nd screenshots the node is sending uplinks and the TTN console is able to read those uplinks.
Capture1 Capture4

So, there is no problem with the uplink, but, when I try to send a downlink I get nothing.
This screenshot shows the problem :

plus, as you can see in the TTN console I only find the rx2 data rate index I didn’t find the rx1 data rate index :

I’d appricate an answer to this problem and Thanks.

A post was merged into an existing topic: I Cube LRWAN problem

Another duplicate thread