TTN Console behaving well

In the last couple of days I have noticed that The Things Network console is much more robust. Previously it would stop working with some error (can’t remember the details, sorry) and I had to reload the page manually to get it going again. Now it’s working much longer without stopping, and no need to reload.

The pages I was looking at most were the gateway overview, the gateway traffic, and my device data. They’ve been up for over 24 hours now. Previously they would fail within a few hours of a reload.

Maybe it’s just me, but even so, I’m happy it’s working better now. Thanks!

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Ok, well it stopped again overnight, but at least it had been running for most of the day beforehand. I have refreshed the pages and I’ll see how long it lasts today.

Hmm. Not so good anymore. Here’s the typical error I see:

Something went wrong refreshing the token: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request Response: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Refresh token not found"}

Everything displays properly when I hit F5 to refresh.