TTN Indoor Gateway external WIFI Antenna

Hello everyone!

In other topics it has already been explained in detail how easy it is to connect an external LoRa antenna. Now I would like to connect an external WIFI antenna. I found this detail picture in another topic. After the CON1 connection there are inductances for matching the PCB antenna. Would it be enough to simply remove L13 or to cut the connection between the L16 soldering pad and CON1?

Many thanks.

Those are more likely to match to the 50 Ohms the PCB antenna is tuned to. Your external antenna should be tuned to 50 Ohms as well so I would leave things as they are. (Which I did on the TTIGs I attached an external antenna to and they perform well)

OK Thank you.
Because it’s an SWG Type RF Switch Connector, did you unsolder it and replace it with a U.FL? Or how did you connect your antenna?

As you can see my TTIG has an u.fl so nothing required changing. Given the change in antenna connector I would be interested in a picture of the whole insides to see what else changed.

Ah, it looks like there’s a misunderstanding. There are two antennas on the circuit board on the back. One stamped out of sheet metal for LoRa and one etched on the board for WIFI. You can disconnect the LoRa antenna to connect an external one. But what I would like to add is an external antenna for WIFI. This can be seen in the picture above. I think I will remove the RF Switch Connector. Then the original antenna is probably already separated anyway. Then I only have to solder a U-FL connection. Maybe someone did something similar.


Apologies, my bad, not reading properly.

That’s no problem.

I did some research on the ESP8266 and did the whole thing now. In front of the RF Switch Connector, the circuit of the Gateway seems to have been adopted as in the Espressif schematic.

Gateway circuit

First I desoldered the old connector. As you can see, the connection to the antenna on the circuit board is not continuous. The circuit board antenna no longer has any function.

Then I unsoldered a U.FL connection from a defective WIFI card and installed it.

It seems to have worked, I’m receiving many stations indoors if I use a SMA WIFI antenna. Now the gateway can be built into a metal box and fixed outside the house.


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