Ttn-lw-cli community server

Hello all,

In the past I’ve used the ttnctl application from TTN to register some devices from another PC application by simply calling the executable with some arguments. For v3 I’d like to integrate this into our test application for production of devices. However the ttnctl application is no longer supported.

I’ve tried using the ttn-lw-cli application, but that seems to be configured by default for a locally running ttn-lw-stack. Since i do not have a ttn-lw-stack for development, I wondered if it would be possible to use the ttn-lw-cli with the community TTN server, just like the ttnctl application did? If it’s possible, how would I need to configure the ttn-lw-cli with the .yml file to set the community server?

Found my answer here:

Create a file named with the name .ttn-lw-cli.yml at the location of the executable and insert the following into the file:

oauth-server-address: ‘The Things Network Account
identity-server-grpc-address: ‘’
gateway-server-grpc-address: ‘’
network-server-grpc-address: ‘’
application-server-grpc-address: ‘’
join-server-grpc-address: ‘’
device-claiming-server-grpc-address: ‘’
device-template-converter-grpc-address: ‘’
qr-code-generator-grpc-address: ‘’

The CLI will then connect to the community EU server when called from the command line.

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