TTN + MQTT integration + MQTT mosquitto + External Hosting


Right now, I’m trying send my TTN data to an External Hosting (Hostinger) across MQTT integration, where I have my web application for graph my data, I’m not sure if this is the correct way but I need help.

¿How Can I resolve it?
¿How to install MQTT mosquitto on my external hosting?

Thanks so much.

Resolve what exactly?

Read the docs for the OS you are using (not specified) on how to install software and read the Mosquitto docs for the OS you are using on how to install it.

We’ll be happy to help but it’s going to be hard to answer without more details.

@descartes Thanks for your time.

@descartes Thanks for your time.
At the moment I am receiving data from a LoRaWAN node on the TTN platform (V3), my idea is to be able to store those values ​​in a MySQL database to create charts.
For this I have developed a web application based on (HTML, CCS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP …) as shown in the following image:

  • Captura de pantalla 2021-04-29 a la(s) 2.16.46 p. m.
    (Note: Image values ​​were entered manually)

I have bought in Hostinger a hosting and a domain to store my web application and the values ​​that come from TTN (V3) in MySQL databases.

I see the information flow as follows:
TTN (V3) ----> MQTT integration ----> MQTT broker mosquitto ----> MySQL ------> Web Application ---- Graphs.
I don’t know if this is possible
but this is my question:

  1. How do I connect MQTT integration with MQTT broker mosquitto to receive data?

I already checked the official page of Eclipse mosquitto but I do not know if my hosting that I bought has an operating system installed such as Debian or Ubuntu …
Hostinger Link:


Not sure if this is exactly what you’re looking for… but I just hooked up my local Mosquitto server to my new TTNv3 instance and was very similair to v2. Basically in my application went to the MQTT integration and got my mqtt username and generated an API key password, I then added it to the mosquitto.conf below to create a bridge. Make sure to replace the username, password and correct server you’re using where is. Not sure if the bridge_cafile file is still necessary, but was a hold over from my old config I updated the address and credentials for:

connection bridge-to-ttn-applicationname
bridge_cafile /etc/mosquitto/certs/ttn-mqtt-ca.pem
bridge_insecure false
start_type automatic
notifications false
try_private false
remote_username MQTTUSERNAME  (mine was applicationname@ttn)
remote_password MQTTPASSWORD (you only see this once, but can regenerate it if you need to)
topic # both 0 ttn/ v3/MQTTUSERNAME/

Devices will come in to the Mosquitto server with the ttn/devices/DEVICENAME prefix, and data is in JSON format.

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Not sure why you’ve linked to your ISP.

But you’ll find it much much simpler if it’s a web hosting account to use a WebHook that just sends the data to a script (which you write) on your hosting.

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