Unable to register a brand-new Milesight Gateway

I just received my brand-new MIlesight UG65 bought at iot-shop.de, and unfortunately, as I tried to add it to my TTN account, it says that my Gateway EUI (24E124FFFEF55854) is already registered.
How can I solve that?

Many thanks in advance!

Just as extra info, I found out that a user called felixpst registered this Gateway EUI.
I have no idea who he is, and have no contact information from him.

“code”: 6,
“message”: “error:pkg/identityserver:gateway_eui_taken (a gateway with EUI 24E124FFFEF55854 is already registered (by you or someone else) as eui-24e124fffef55854)”,
“details”: [
“@type”: “type.googleapis.com/ttn.lorawan.v3.ErrorDetails”,
“namespace”: “pkg/identityserver”,
“name”: “gateway_eui_taken”,
“message_format”: “a gateway with EUI {gateway_eui} is already registered (by you or someone else) as {gateway_id}”,
“attributes”: {
“administrative_contact”: “felixpst”,
“gateway_eui”: “24E124FFFEF55854”,
“gateway_id”: “eui-24e124fffef55854”
“correlation_id”: “51921d55e3d242b1876e1b56b4c0ccab”,
“code”: 6

why don’t you ask the supplier if this is a secondhand or returned gateway

have you double checked the eui



I will contact the supplier, but it was bought as brand-new device.

I believe that this problem can also occur if someone tries to register a gateway with TTN and mistypes my gateway’s EUI, and then try to change it back or delete, but without following the correct steps, as I found out searching on the forum.

The EUI was copied directly from my gateway’s webclient page and double checked.
If necessary, I can also attached a printscreen to prove the information.

My hope is that someone from TTN staff could really remove this EUI from whatever account it is linked too. My feeling is that someone registered a own device (like Raspberry or similar) and somehow have set exactly the same EUI from my device on it.

How did you got this replies with the gateway info? It showed online:“true” probably because I did the whole configuration on the gateway, and let it on. I would like to check now again and see if it still report online, after I unplug it from power supply.

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For reference, most (all?) TTN gateways are generally known in the packetbroker service, see also this post:

So you can look up a single TTN gateway using (for example):

Or get all known gateways, then do a search for your own gateway id:

Thanks @bertrik.

As expected, it says now that gateway is disconnected. This reinforces my thought that someone has mistakenly registered it on TTN and did not removed the device / or did it in the wrong way.

User @felixpst Felix Pistner joined the Forum summer last year and was last seen nearly a year ago. It may be he will pick up this message or you can try to message him directly…. Which should ping him an email. Otherwise try a post on the TTN Slack #support channel which where it is more likely to be picked up by TTI core staff who can help. Did vendor confirm brand new when asked? Had they previously sold/lent out this unit? A mistype is commonly the issues as you say.

Hi Jeff,
yes. We already contacted the costumer support of the web-shop, and they guaranteed that the device is new. I am trying to contact also Milesight support, but I believe I really need someone from TTN to solve this problem.
Thanks for the suggestion, I will try the Slack support channel, as I don’t believe the user @felixpst will show up sooner, and this problem currently stops my development at work.