Unable to send packets to TTN using kiwi tech lora gateway


I was able to successfully connect the device to TTN but status of packets sent/received is 0. I would expect the received packets on TTN to be greater 0. Any help of what could the problem will be much appreciated, thankx

This could be zero, what is the gateway EUI? (this is public)

https://mapper.packetbroker.net/api/v2/gateways/netID=000013,tenantID=ttn,id='your gateway id'

What do you see when you run this? ( replace this ‘your gateway id’)

Do toy have any sensors in the area?

If you look in the sensors json ‘rx_metadata’, this is all the gateways that RX your sensors data, are your gateway listed?

Here is my Gateway EUI : 000B78FFFEC03E78.

when i replace id=‘…’ with id = 000B78FFFEC03E78

i get a response saying: message “store: not found: get gateway”

Do toy have any sensors in the area?
No, i have not yet installed any sensor, though I have written a simple script that sends a simple hello world message.

It seems like it have not connected to TTN.


What Gateway Server address address and port are you using?


Do you have sensors/nodes configured?

This is actually correct way, there is a deferens between your gateway EUI and gateway ID.


The address and port i am using: eu1.cloud.thethings.network:1700

About installing any sensor node:
No, i have not yet installed any sensor, though I have written a simple script that sends a simple hello world message.

Have you configured it in a application?

Do you see live data?

Where in the world are you? As I see “region”:“AS_923” for the gateway.

Not its not configured in any application.

the only part of live data I am able to see is as attached in the image below:
Screenshot 2022-09-24 at 17-33-55 Management platform for The Things Network

I am in Japan.

I am not sure if AU cluster is closer to you, but your choice what you use.

But you need to get a sensor/node up, best way to tell if things are working.

Please bear in mind text takes a lot of airtime and take FUP into consideration.

Alight Johan. I am going to attach a sensor, and see if there is any difference.

Please can you explain exactly what this means - because if you have written a script to send hello world, that must mean you have a sensor and if you have a sensor running, then it would be picked up by the gateway …

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