Unregistered packetbroker and can't re-enable

I’ve an enterprise account and unregistered from packetbroker while trying to troubleshoot something. I want to re-register but the slider on the packetbroker page won’t stay enabled. Am I out of luck here?

Here? Yes, mostly this is TTN functionality support for the community - commercial accounts should use the TTI support systems.

My mistake. It does say on the signup page that one can “make use of the community forum” and I think I’m essentially reporting a UI bug. But that’s out of the remit of the forum too, I guess. Thanks.

You can but you are asking the community members for support, not all of which have a commercial instance. And there is no timescales or audit on answers.

Questions about best practise and techniques make better questions - how to operate the paid for software not so much.

Correct but this is universal so not unique to you - any issues need to be lodged on GitHub.

But I’d still just report it to the support system as that’s what it’s there for.