Using Java SDK Samples without password grant

Hi all.

I’m trying to run Java SDK Samples to gain some knowledge in order to develop my own app.
The thing is when I requested a ClientID, TTN answered me that they don’t issue the Password grant, only the Authorization_code.

This way I have to use the AuthorizationCodeSync and follow the redirect_uri link to manually copy and paste the code.

I want to be able to create and manage applications and devices without having to interact with my app.

Can anyone help me? Am I getting it all wrong? :confused:

How did you resolve this problem? I am also facing same issue as you, They have rejected the Client request with Password grant multiple times without any reason. Its very difficult to implement such application that doesn’t require human interaction for the api call authorization.

For every Account server API call we need to request an access token with the specific object scope and this is not possible to do the human authorization for every object.

This is frustrating that TTN is not approving the Password grant. @TheThingsNetwork Please help us in this case.

With the gateways scope we are able to add new gateways, but When we try to delete the gateway it says “You do not have access to for right gateway:delete to gateway *******”

We are trying to integrate the API in our application, so that we can use our interface to add/edit/delete the gateways.