Why does the TTN interface crash?

Why does the TTN interface crash?
Why does the TTN interface crash?
When I run it for a while, what happens to the TTN page? May I ask why this happens?

This usually occurs when you have opened multiple concurrent connections to the TTN Console in different tabs in the same browser instance. The console does not handle that well for a longer period. Opening each concurrent connection in a separate browser instance may help.

Or they could just fix the jwt refresh at a guess :sunglasses: I’d say that’d fix it.

There is no such thing as ‘just’. Everything takes time and efforts. Fixing limitations of TTN V2’s current console does not have priority. Further development and making available V3 has. But V3 developments are off-topic for this thread.

Righteo, sorry, true things take time. Go TTN!! :sunglasses: