Why my devise is not seen from stackV3


I have some node working with the Arduino LMIC library.
I successfully migrated my gateway to StacjV3 and I registered my first devise in V3.

When I turn on my devise, the data are sent, and my gateway (under live data)I can see my devise DevAddr.

However, when I go to my application and then I look at the Live data of the devise, no data are shown. My devise is not seen.

Then I supposed, I may badly registered my devise, isn’t?
I registered my devise as ABP /I will use OTAA later)

Here are the steps


I am wory about the setting 'Frquency Plan": I selected the recommanded option, but what happen if my node use SF7?

I also make sure to copy the right Devise Address, the NwkSKey and the AppSKey to my devise.

Any idea?

Note: My devises is working well with V2

Many thanks

The SF9 in the frequency plan is for downlinks in the second transmission window - we can worry about that once the uplinks are arriving.

  • Which Arduino LMIC are you using - the name and version number.
  • What is the device - brand & model OR what parts it is made of.

Please use plenty of detail in answer the above two as the devil is in the detail.

Once we have got this going, we’ll have to set out the Frame Counter checks as well.


Thanks for your reply.

My devise is self made, based on adafruit node. Iam using this LMIC. I know, that LMIC is not maintained and I should use this one Version numbermight be 1.0.3

we’ll have to set out the Frame Counter checks as we

What do you mean?

I just enabled the “reset count frame”, I tunred on my devise and the data are now shown in “Live data” of my devise. Cool, but that’s really the solution the reset the frame, specially if I turn off the devise for a couple of day, and I turned it on for new measeures?

I have to leave, but I come back later to see you messages

Have you added all the additional frequencies you node knows about to the stack so it knows your node knows about them? If you don’t all packets transmitted by your node on any frequency not in the standard (868.1, 868.3 and 868.5) will be dropped and not forwarded to the application.

I mentioned that the devil is in the detail so please can you tell me which one so we can check on any hardware modifications that may be needed.

OK, we’ll skip the question about why you not using the one you know you should be using, which isn’t going to be on 1.0.3 - again detail - 3.3.0 may well work.

For the one you are using, what version is it?

You can see this in the Arduino library info.

Ah, you could have highlighted you have it working rather than bury it in a paragraph at the bottom of the post.

If you turn your device on & off, it will need to have the frame counters reset - you can learn about this by searching the forum.

Dear descartes,

Sorry for my unclear answers.

When I startedwith LoRaWAN, I lernt with this library. If I look at the pdf doc folder, it say version 1.5. I know, that libary is not mainitained and I have to move to a maintained version. It’s on my to do list.

I mentioned that the devil is in the detail so please can you tell me which one so we can check on any hardware modifications that may be needed.

I build a devise with a ATSAMD21G18 ARM Cortex M0 at 48Mhz with 3V3 logic, as the Adafruit Adalogger board. The chip has 256K of FLASH and 32K of RAM. I added a RFM95 radio module for Europe.

Ah, you could have highlighted you have it working rather than bury it in a paragraph at the bottom of the post

Yes sorry, but I was not convainced, it was the reaon. By resgistering a devise with V3, there are more option than in V2, specially in the ‘Network layer’ tab. I was supcisous about my first devise registration with V3, as I mostly kept all option by default,

Yes, since I enabled the “Reset count frame” option, it look like my devise show activites in “Live data” tab, but I have not try more.
