Wlr089 join denied problem

Hi everyone.
I have atsamr34(wlr089 module). I want to join ttn network. But ı dont have any gateway.
I have tried but module reply me ’ join denied’(I added photo). So ı ask you can ı ttn network without any gateway. Can you help me please?
Thank you.

Can you confirm you are in range of a Gateway, or get your own? If you know you are in range (confirmed by gw owner) are they willing to share visibility on GW logs/console view to see what GW receives and sends as reply or atlest confirm they see your join request (OTAA) and a corresponding join accept and any follow on node configuring MAC commands?

An attempt to join is not denied. If the credentials are incorrect, you simply don’t get a reply. The firmware message is misleading you. From the device side there is no simple way to tell if your credentials are wrong, or if you are simply out of range of a gateway.

I recommend you get a gateway, so you can monitor what is really going on.
Or you can perhaps ask the owner of a gateway in range to add you as a collaborator, so you can see traffic coming in.

hi I am in range(EU868). I do not have any gateway I just have WLR089 modul and App.device demo2 code so I just want to connect TTN only with this modul is this possible to Connecting TTN without gateway? and also I used community account which one is free and under the my TTN profile ıt say “No SLA Support” do you know what does it mean?

You have confirmed this how? Can you show where you are relative to a target gateway? To help we need a lot more information wrt device, firmware, device logs, gw logs, how your application and device* are registered in TTN Console etc. TTN is open community network, with coverage in part dependent on availability of gateways - which owners may move, modify, turn on & off at various times atc, and with a ‘expectation’ of reasonable availablility of service in the backe end (basically the Network Server and associated infrastructure) but no gurantees - no SLA or Service Level Agreement if you will.

*Do you see you join request appear in the live data for you application/device? Do you see and accept scheduled back down etc.