Arduino Pro Mini + Lmic+OTAA with Multi Channel Gateway

Recently I facing this problem too and realized it’s all AS1 freq, could you tell me more about your modified LMIC for AS2 freq support?

The gateway must listen on the right frequency exact as your node sends. Check on your gateway first, I use Raspberry PI with RAK831. I choose one of global_conf.json from and replace the original file in my RPI .

For my node, I changed freq in this file lorabase.h (LMIC library.)

Thanks @Somsak, now GW and nodes completely in synced.:smiley:

but there is a thing still bugging me out, how to deal with 500Khz_UPFBASE/UPFSTEP and DNFBASE/DNFSTEP for AS2 in lorabase.h file?

// Default frequency plan for US 915MHz   
enum { US915_125kHz_UPFBASE = 902300000,
   US915_125kHz_UPFSTEP =    200000,
   US915_500kHz_UPFBASE = 903000000,
   US915_500kHz_UPFSTEP =   1600000,
   US915_500kHz_DNFBASE = 923300000,
   US915_500kHz_DNFSTEP =    600000 };

It’s the other way around.

A gateway will be listening continuously, and on multiple frequencies and spreading factors. A node, however, must listen at the exact same time as the gateway transmits, and using the exact same frequency and spreading factor. (RX1, and RX2 if nothing was received in RX1, both using a specific frequency and spreading factor as defined in the given frequency plan.)

Thank @arjanvanb for making it clear.
@danielpardede In fact, I did not modify lorabase.h by myself.
There is an example on Look at “arduino-lmic-as923
Added AS923 code into LMIC”. It might answer what you try to ask.


thanks @arjanvanb @Somsak , it is clear now.

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Hi i am also using Arduino Pro Mini +Lmic(otaa) by node is working and serial monitors show
message queued
and noting else, may there is no Gateway nearby also my console device status is “not seen”
and data uplink bytes.

What is this problem?? please help

like you wrote … ’ maybe there is no Gateway nearby

so i must have my own gateway???

if you want to be 100% sure to connect to The Things Network… yes.
even if there is a GW nearby (and there is one… see map in your console) it’s not sure that it receives your nodes signal.
and the owner can switch it on/off whenever he wants.

see also

i understand, is there any way to test my device working correctly?

without to be sure that a (TTN !) gateway is within range, is listening and forward your data So you can see in your console’s application tab, that your node is actually transmitting and trying to join the network (yellow thunder) … no that will be difficult.

beside the question of a gateway in range, there could be all kinds of other little 'problems.

be it mechanical … like the antenna.
or electrical… like wrong connections.
or wrong keys in your software setup and application

hi, today i have tested my node (Adruino mini +Hope RF95 + limc)
node works good when its still on one place , and stops sending packets to console when i start moving with this node device in my room.

What is this kind of problem???
any one help?

can you show some packets received by your gateway / application ?


i have interval of 6m

I mean with the metadata visible (click on one of the blue arrows pointing upwards)
do you have your own gateway now ?

i dont have my own gateway its one somebody else gateway that my device of connected.


this is metadata

OK so you are transmitting with SF7 and that gateway is receiving your weak signal of RSSi -120 / SNR -5.

Then it’s indeed possible, that when you are moving the node (for example to the other side of a room) the signal gets to weak for the gateway.

several things to try first:

  • get the node to a higher point
  • get a better antenna on the node
  • increase the Spreading Factor from 7 to 8/9
  • get a gateway yourself
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