Dragino LG-01 connected but no packets

Try to use ABP in stead of OTAA, LG01-P has Downlink issue due to strict time requirement on the end node rx windows.

Well, I got the SX1276 working with the Dragino LG01-P. So both nodes worked with it single channel. RN2903 and SX1276

I also received the 8 channel box. Reset my nodes to factory default. Turned everything up and did the required gateway and node configs for ttn. That stuff just worked… almost takes the fun out of it came up so easy. Just tried ABP so far. Will try OTAA next since the 8 channel transmits.

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In support of Edwin and the team at Dragino I’d like to say that as a new user I started exploring the Things Network with an LG-01 KIT and then later used an LG-02, I had no problems at all getting them to connect and deliver data results back from my nodes but apart from learning and testing I concluded they are really best for a small home LoRA network or perhaps a private LoRA network.

I moved on to the 8 channel LG-308 and have found this to give great results even at ranges of up to 15 km in some cases, I now have five LG-308, this is just our small start towards expanding The Things Network coverage in our area.

Thanks to Edwin and the team at Dragino for both their product development and their support…
Keep up the great work.


EVERYTHING WORKS, thankyou @edwin1 for your honesty and support, successfully uploading to TTN, spent an entire semester at university trying to resolve this!

I will be recommending your product to anyone looking for an entry product into the world of LoRaWAN

For LoRaWAN on TTN please recommend the LG308, not the other models as they are not LoRaWan compliant and result in a network that is not compliant.

Also the other require ABP which is fine for initial development but should not be used for production according to Lora alliance recommendations. Some commercial providers do not even support ABP for that reason.

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Where can I find the list of TTN rules and regulations? I tried searching in the docs but couldn’t seem to find it.

What rules are you looking for? The rule that states your can not use a single channel gateway on TTN? Search the forum for the opinions of TTN staff members, you will not find a hard rule.
However, TTN is a LoRaWAN provider. That implicitly means equipment used to connect to TTN should be LoRaWAN compatible to keep it a LoRaWAN network. It does not need to be LoRaWAN certified (which commercial providers require) for TTN.

With regards to ABP vs OTAA, there is plenty on this from TTN staff on the forum, in the documentation and in the YouTube channel.

Not related to rules, but I thought was just good info related to frequency, bandwidth, and data rate.

I am new at this, but I think in regard to TTN, this is an open public network and depends on contributors (people establishing open gateways) to succeed. That being said, I see that a reliable and standardized network is critical.

From the aspect of learning or building your own network, I believe you can always build a private gateway and your own LoraServer to do things. This is my next area of investigation. Checking it all out… LoraServer and my own Lora server.

Ohh, and btw, I got OTAA working on TTN with both my nodes RN2903 and SX1276 using the 8 channel gateway.

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Just make sure you return to TTN after learning in order to strengthen the community (by providing connectivity in your part of the world)

:+1: np

No didn’t bother with LG-01, but have spent quite some time with the LG-02 - didn’t work either: connected but no successful forwarding. Then switched to the LG-308 which worked immediately…
I’m not a deep diving scientist - It’s just my 5 cents opinion not to spend too much time in trying to make things work which are too close to or even outside the published specs of the standard (TTN) I intend to use…good luck!

I had it all setup and working (Dragino LG-01 / TTN). Then i didnt use it for a few months. When i tried again it wouldnt work for me. However I was able to get it going again, but only on older version of single_pkt_fwd_v0xx.hex would work. May be worth trying same (i.e old version single_pkt_fwd_v002.hex)

I upgraded my LG01p with IOT firmware 4.3.6 and the mcu pkt_fwd v004. After half a day the gateway was still connected tomTTN but no data packets were send. At last I used the old pkt_fwd v003. Now every 10 minutes the watchdog timer resets the mcu and de gateway keeps sending data packets the TTN network.

I feel your pain. I have now spent weeks of my spare time trying to make this box work. It connects fine to the things network but I never see it receive a packet via lora. Have tried many sketches including the forward pkt one. With no luck.

I have a heltec esp32 wifi lora attempting to send data via the gateway. If I use two heltec one to send and the other to recieve I can see the lora packets. If I try and send via lg01 gateway nothing appears to be arriving at the lg01. So frustrating but want to get an outcome. If anyone has any advise I would be grateful
I am in australia so using 915 band lots of example don’t include australia

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I got mine working, the problem was the code I was putting on the nodes. TTN wont accept uplink packets unless they’re in a very particular format, I’ll search for the links to the gateway firmware I used and the node firmware so you can get it working.

I’m also in australia! So i know this works

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@Honeybeenet check out my repository. If you upload the single_pkt_fwd_v003.hex to the gateway via the firmware uploader on the LG01 console. Also you should upload ABPEndNodeTTN.ino, to your device.

You will have to configure the serial ports accordingly to suit your microcontroller, and you will also within the TTN console need to:

  1. Create Application
  2. Add a Device
  3. View the device values that were automatically set
  4. Convert into hex format
  5. Copy and replace Network Key, Application Key and Device address (all in MSB not LSB) into the ABPEndNodeTTN.ino file.
  6. Save, upload and run!

This should get your device uploading to the things network. Particularly these settings have been configured for Australia.

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Thanks I will give it a go any advise on the pin settings for the Heltec ESP32 wifi v2 have seen a few different pins suggested for the Lora Dio 34

Hello. Thank you all for posting your problems and resolves. Great information. I have all the same problems with the LG01, Join Request and Join Accept but no packets. I have learnt a great deal through all of this and think I will now move on to an 8 channel lorawan gateway and keep moving forward.

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