Dragino LHT65 and network coverage

ok, I’ll try, thank you so much

Hello, I’m just wondering if somebody can help me with Dragino LHT65 sensor connection. I use LPS8 gateway, which is set up in TTN console. The status is connected. I tried to register LHT8 however the status is not seen. I entered DEV EUI, APP EUI and APP KEY values that was on a sticker of a box.
The gateway shows in traffic some data under “join”. Also it shows the same APP EUI and Dev EUI that are supplied on a sticker of LHT65 box. I’m not sure where I stuck. Any ideas? Thanks,

So you have set up an application & registered the device, right?
When creating the App TTN will have auto generated an APP EUI. Have you used the manage EUI’s settings to add the one for your device to the available list and then selected that from the list for the device registration? (Example: As I highlighted to another user on this post Dragino LSN50 help - #12 by cslorabox) Does the Join Req you see in GW console data show your APP EUI as also shown in that linked example? Have you double checked the typing in of all the keys you listed?

Yes, I added APP EUI in manage euis and also deleted the one that TTN generated for me. Yes, GW console data shows my APP EUI. I triple checked the typing. Any other ideas?

If the devEUI and AppEUI match you have a typo in the AppKey. However validate the EUIs match by copy/pasting the information in the join request and in the device registration to a text editor to compare them, swapping to characters or mistaking a capital B and 8 is easily done. (Those kind of mistakes can happen to the AppKey as well, check it carefully)

Kersing and Jeff-UK, thank you so much, it is working now. I spent half of my day trying to connect that.
Kersing especially for you thanks again for pointing of mistaking B and 8. That was an issue.
Thanks again guys.

easily mistaken :slight_smile:

Not being 18 anymore I find it helpful to take a picture with my iPad so I can zoom in.

Glad you got it working.

I used a magnifying glass to see it was B instead of 8.
Thanks again.