I have a commercial device from SkySens that has AppEUI embedded in it. When I try to register it using the supplied AppKey, AppEUI the TTN console tells me "failed to register device. permission denied:Broker did not set device:permission denied: NetworkServer did not set device: permission denied: No “devices” rights to Application “soilmositurebyskysense”
My question is…is it possible that SkySens have got an application setup on TTN using the AppEUI in the device I have here that is now blocking my registration ???
i get the same problem as you . if you succeed to progress i m interested by the conclusion. It is my fisrt experience with TTN.
First device i register it but it is still seen not seen
Second device i get the same error permission denied
Hi @nbertaud. Yes the solution was that the sensor had come from our supplier and they had forgotten to remove the AppEUI from their TTN account !!! Once they had removed it my device registered on TTN immediately. Someone else is using the AppEUI somewhere. Good luck finding it !!!
I have contacted the supllier of sensors to ask if they have tested the device on TTN and if they forgot to deregister it. The answer was no they dont register the device. They have tried to register the device on their side and they don’t face any problem. So the problem is not the device but probably my account . Seems something is missing (“right access level ?” ) with my account
Unless some other device used the same AppEUI, for a different user? Can you validate that the AppEUIs that came with your two devices are unique per device? What devices are we talking about?
AppEUIs and DevEUIs are not really a secret, so if you feel like it: please show them here? (Or send me a private message? Just click on my photo above.) Also: what is the application name from the error message?
The error message is the following
failed to register device
permission denied: Broker did not set device: permission denied: NetworkServer did not set service : permission denied: No “devices” rights to Application"test2Application"
You wrote you got two devices, right? Are both the AppEUI and DevEUI for the other device different? Do you recognize the name “test2Application”? (It’s indeed known in the EU region on https://discovery.thethingsnetwork.org/announcements/handler but that does not provide much more detail.)
I’m afraid you’re stuck now. Maybe your device was returned by another customer after they already registered it; maybe you can get a new device from your supplier. I guess the TTN crew (like @htdvisser) technically could delete the existing application, but how can they be sure that the other user who registered that AppEUI doesn’t actually have a device that also uses that very same AppEUI? Not all devices send data very often.
Is there any chance you can change the AppEUI that is in the device? This was a solution for bad AppEUIs in LHT65 devices, but that needs the device to allow for such changes.
Just in case it’s important: what did you mean by the first line in the following?
i have two device
Fist one is the things uno one, i had registered it without any problem on TTN but the device is never seen on the network (join problem)
I have try with lansitec one . for this one i was unable to register it