Gateway EUI is not registered when claiming a TTIG MiniHub Pro

I cannot claim my new TTIG MiniHub pro - when I try to do this, I get the following message:
Zrzut ekranu 2021-11-20 o 18.30.30

Also, I have not managed it to blink like that when pressing the RESET button for 5s:
Keep the RESET button (small button at the back of the gateway next to the USB-C port) pressed for 5 seconds until the LED blinks rapidly from GREEN to RED and vice versa for a couple of times.
For me, it just starts to blink quickly in RED when the RESET button is pressed. Any ideas?

The minibus pro seems to be a different product from Browan. Your EUI is not in the range of IPs I recognize as used by TTIG, those start with 58.

Can you tell me what I can do to register this gateway then? Thanks.

You could try registering it …

… as opposed to claiming it.

Done, but it still blinks in red (no green light) and is shown as Disconnected:
Zrzut ekranu 2021-11-20 o 19.29.35

As in use the +Add Gateway option (blue radio button) ) vs Claim Gateway (grey radio button) per Nicks suggestion:


Is your description of “TTIG” MiniHub Pro correct or are you assuming a similarity? There are several variants of the Brown/Gemtek (the originating OEM/ODM) product in the market as I understand it…under different brand names…

Update: messages crossed so now see you have tried… have you set up an API Key or authentication? Is “Require Authenticaticated Connection” checked or unchecked? (General Settings tab)

Is your description of “TTIG ” MiniHub Pro correct or are you assuming a similarity? There are several variants of the Brown/Gemtek (the originating OEM/ODM) product in the market as I understand it…under different brand names…
It is a MiniHub Pro.

have you set up an API Key or authentication?
General key generated a few moments ago.

Is “Require Authenticaticated Connection” checked or unchecked? (General Settings tab)

The thing is that the device does not seem ever to blink the LED in green, it is only blinking in red. If I force it into Setup mode, I can connect to it (WiFi AP) and I can configure the correct WiFi network (after that I get disconnected meaning that the device connects to the WiFi). But then, it just keeps (fast) blinking in red :frowning: …

What does the documentation tell you that means?

Are there any entries appearing in the gateway console?

Do you have a known good device transmitting to see what happens on both the gateway & the device console?

The Pro is not a TTIG and requires a different setup. You will need to use the instuctions provided by Browan at their website.. Perhaps check MiniHub pro migration V2 to V3 as well.

Thank you, the last link worked. However, the MiniHub’s LED is solid green (so far configured as a packet forwarder), but the console shows the gateway as disconnected. Why is that?

These are the acid tests - not the on/off indicator which is not updated in absolute realtime but the heart beat messages in the gateway console at the very least.

Here is what I am getting in the live data:
Zrzut ekranu 2021-11-21 o 14.29.28

That is probably down to stability of your internet connection and message/session handling between your browser window and the console web page (certainly that is where the “The stream connection…” type messages come in to pplay. Try refreshing your browser window (or try re-opening in new window (not new tab) and if problem persists log out of console and log back in again to start a new session then report back if still seeing an issue… if you have lots of console tabs open at same then it possible that timeout happens more quickly/frequently as session refresh and cookies spread across more tabs/sessions (certainly used to be an issue in V2 console - havent analysed for V3…)

I have followed the instructions on TTN website and used the Browan user manual. The gateway is now connected as a LoRa Basics station. Thanks a lot for your help!

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